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Constant LG40 Lux Meter

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Constant LG40 Lux Meter

Constant LG40 Lux Meter

The Constant LG40 Lux Meter is a light meter designed for a variety of applications involving lighting equipment, lighting work and facility management.

  • Measurement Range200, 2000, 20000, 40000 lux/fc (1fc = 10.76lux)
  • Repeatability: ±2%
  • Measurement rate: 2.5 times per second, nominal
  • Temp. Characteristics: ±0.1%/°C

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Constant LG40 Lux Meter

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The Constant LG40 Lux Meter is a light meter designed for a variety of applications involving lighting equipment, lighting work and facilities management. Capable of testing even LED lights. Function To measure the intensity of light.

Specifications Constant LG40 Lux Meter

Measurement Range200, 2000, 20000, 40000 lux/fc (1fc = 10.76lux)
±5% rdg ± 10dgts (<10000 lux/fc)
±10% rdg ± 10 dgts (>10000 lux/fc)
Repeatability ±2%
Measurement rate 2.5 times per second, nominal
Temp. Characteristics ±0.1%/°C
Photo detector one silicon photo diode with filter
Display 1999 counts
Indication polarity, over range, low battery
Storage temperature -10 ~ 60°C (14 ~ 140°F) at 80% RH
Operating temperature 0 ~ 40°C (32 ~ 104°F)
Operating humidity 0 ~ 80% RH
Auto power off ±17 minutes
Power 9V battery
Size 157 x 54 x34mm
Weight ±170g
Accessories battery, instruction manual, warranty card,certificate of product conformance


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Constant. Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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