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CEM DT-967 Desktop Indoor Air Quality CO2 Monitor

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CEM DT-967 Desktop Indoor Air Quality CO2 Monitor

CEM DT-967 Desktop Indoor Air Quality CO2 Monitor

Measures Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Air Temperature and Humidity with user adjustable high/low alarms and choice of datalogging model with memory 999 points. Checks for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentrations (0 to 9,999ppm) and displays Temperature (14 to 140°F / -10 to 60°C) and Relative Humidity (0.1 to 99.9%) readings.


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CEM DT-967 Desktop Indoor Air Quality CO2 Monitor

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Features CEM DT-967 Desktop Indoor Air Quality CO2 Monitor

  • Measures Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Air Temperature and Humidity with user adjustable high/low alarms and choice of datalogging model with memory 999 points
  • White Color LED Dot Matrix Display
  • Checks for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentrations (0 to 9,999ppm) and displays Temperature (14 to 140°F / -10 to 60°C) and Relative Humidity (0.1 to 99.9%) readings
  • NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) CO2 sensor
  • Indoor Air Quality displayed in ppm with Good, Normal, Poor indication
  • Displays Year, Month, Date, and Time
  • Max/Min CO2 value recall function

Specifications CEM DT-967 Desktop Indoor Air Quality CO2 Monitor

Function Range Resolution Accuracy
CO2 0-9999ppm 1PPM ±5%±75PPM
Temperature ﹣10 to 60℃/14 to 140℉ 0.1℃/℉ ±1℃/1.8℉
Humidity 0.1 to 100.0%RH 0.1%RH ±3%RH(25℃/30 to 99%RH) ±4%RH(25℃/0 to 30%RH)

Size(HxWxD) : 110mm x 100mm x 48mm
Weight : 210g

Accessories :NiMH battery, gift box with carrying case



CEM DT-967 – Datasheet

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