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CEM DT-8851 Sound Level Meter

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CEM DT-8851 Sound Level Meter

CEM DT-8851 Sound Level Meter

DT-8851/8852 Sound Level Meters are designed for noise project, quality control, illness prevention & cure and all kinds of environmental sounds measurements. It is applied to the sounds measurement at factory, school, office, traffic access and household etc.


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CEM DT-8851 Sound Level Meter

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CEM DT-8851 Sound Level Meters | CEM Indonesia

DT-8851/8852 Sound Level Meters are designed for noise project, quality control, illness prevention & cure and all kinds of environmental sounds measurements. It is applied to the sounds measurement at factory, school, office, traffic access and household etc.

Features CEM DT-8851 Sound Level Meter

  • This unit confirms to the IEC61672-1 class 2 for Sound Level Meters
  • MAX & MIN measurements
  • Overrange display
  • Underrange display
  • A & C Weighting
  • FAST & SLOW response
  • Analog AC/DC outputs for connection to frequency analyzer or X-Y shaft recorder
  • Datalogger function (8852)
  • Adjustable Alarm-Levels (8852)
  • Memory for 32700 readings (8852)

 Specifications CEM DT-8851 Sound Level Meter

Standard applied IEC61672-1 Type 2, ANSI S1.4 Type2
Accuracy ±1.4dB
Frequency range 31.5HZ ~ 8KHZ
Dynamic range 50dB
Level ranges LO:30dB~80dB Med:50dB~100dB
Hi:80dB~130dB Auto:30dB~130dB
Time weighting FAST ( 125mS ), SLOW ( 1s )
Microphone 1/2 inch electret condenser microphone
Resolution 0.1dB
Display Update 2 times/sec
Analog output AC/DC outputs, AC=1Vrms, DC=10mV/dB

Size(HxWxD) : 278mm x 76mm x 50mm
Weight : 350g


Battery, screwdriver, audio plug, windscreen, software, USB cable, tripod and DC 9V power supply and gift box with carrying case.



CEM DT-8851 – Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung CEM Instruments Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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