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CEM DT-8820 4 in 1 Multifunction Environment Meter

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CEM DT-8820 4 in 1 Multifunction Environment Meter

CEM DT-8820 4 in 1 Multifunction Environment Meter

The 4 in 1 digital Multifunction Environment Meter has been designed to combine the functions of Sound Level Meter, Light Meter, Humidity Meter, and Temperature Meter. It is an idealMultifunction Environment Meter Instrument with scores of practical applications for professional and home use.

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CEM DT-8820 4 in 1 Multifunction Environment Meter

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4in1 Multifunction Environment Meter

The 4 in 1 digital Multifunction Environment Meter has been designed to combine the functions of Sound Level Meter, Light Meter, Humidity Meter, and Temperature Meter. It is an idealMultifunction Environment Meter Instrument with scores of practical applications for professional and home use.

The Sound Level function can be used to measure noise in factories, schools, offices, home, etc, checking acoustics of studios, auditoriums and hi-fi installations. The Light function is used to measure illuminance in the field. It is fully cosine corrected for the angular incidence of light. The light sensitive component used in the meter is a very stable, long life silicon ciode.

The Humidity/Temperature uses a humidity/semiconductor sensor and K type thermocouple.

Features CEM DT-8820 4 in 1 Multifunction Environment Meter

  • 4 in 1 for Light meter, Sound level meter, Humidity/Temperature meter
  • 31/2 large LCD display
  • Data Hold and Max Hold
  • Auto Power Off
  • “OL” Over-range indication
  • “BAT” Low battery indication
  • Total accuracy: for C.I.E standard illuminate A(2856K)

Specifications CEM DT-8820 4 in 1 Multifunction Environment Meter

Function Range Resolution Accuracy(%rdg+digits)
Temperature -20ºC~200ºC 0.1ºC ±(3.0%+2ºC)
-20ºC~750ºC 1ºC ±(3.0%+2ºC) ≤150ºC; ±3.0% ≥150ºC
-4ºF~200ºF 0.1ºF ±(3.0%+2ºF)
-4ºF~1400ºF 1ºF ±(3.0%+2ºF) ≤302ºF; ±3.0%≥302ºF
Light 20,200,2000,20000,(2000 x 10 Lux) 0.01,0.1,1 ±(5.0%+10d)
Humidity 35%~95%RH 0.1%RH ±5.0%RH at 25ºC
Sound Level 35dB~100dB 0.1dB ±3.5dB at 94dB sound level, 1KHz sine wave

CEM DT-8820 Datasheet

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