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Brunton OMNISIGHT Sighting Compass

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Brunton OMNISIGHT Sighting Compass

Brunton OMNISIGHT Sighting Compass

With forward and reciprocal bearings, plus a 90° quadrant and 6400 MILS points, the OMNISIGHT spot-through compass offers the convenience of a variety of precision instruments in a single handheld unit. The rugged aluminum housing ensures sturdiness and reliability, and the built-in rare-earth magnet ensures accuracy and resists magnetic interference.


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Brunton OMNISIGHT Sighting Compass

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With both forward and reciprocal bearings, plus 90° quadrants and 6400 point MILS, the OMNISIGHT spot-through compass offers the convenience of multiple precision instruments in one hand-held unit. Steadfast aluminum housing ensures ruggedness and reliability, and the internal rare-earth magnet guarantees accuracy and resists magnetic interference.

Brunton Omni-Sight Sighting Compass, Northern Hemisphere | Forestry Suppliers, Inc.

Features Brunton OMNISIGHT Sighting Compass :

  • Rare Earth Magnet: Resists magnetic interference and will not lose polarity.
  • All-In-One Scales: 360 Degree azimuth, reciprocal bearing, quadrants, MILS.
  • Illuminated Readout: Light piping gives a clear bright readout even in lowlight (LED version only)


  • Overall Dimensions – 2.5” X 3.5” X 0.5”
  • Weight- 11.8 OZ
  • Features -1 Degree Resolution : DEGREE RESOLUTION
  • Made In USA



Brunton OMNISIGHT Datasheet

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