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Brunton 5008 ComPro Pocket Transit Compass

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Brunton 5008 ComPro Pocket Transit Compass

Brunton 5008 ComPro Pocket Transit Compass

  • Single NdFeB magnet resists demagnetization better than other types of magnets for increased reliability
  • Vertical angle measurements to +/- 90 or 100% grade
  • A percent grade scale with increments of 5%
  • Induction dampened needle for quick, accurate readings


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Brunton Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Brunton 5008 ComPro Pocket Transit Compass

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With a body made of composite materials, this Transit is a lighter, more affordable alternative. It incorporates a cast NdFeB rare-earth magnet, precisely balanced on a sapphire bearing, resulting in a powerful magnet, which quickly seeks magnetic north and permits faster readings.

Features Brunton 5008 ComPro Pocket Transit Compass :

  • Single NdFeB magnet resists demagnetization better than other types of magnets for increased reliability
  • Vertical angle measurements to +/- 90 or 100% grade
  • A percent grade scale with increments of 5%
  • Induction dampened needle for quick, accurate readings
  • Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement
  • Magnetic declination adjustment allows for east or west declination settings to +/- 180
  • Short and long sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles
  • Precision aligned mirror with convenient “see-through” sighting capability
  • Composite body material has less thermal retention
  • Ball & socket tripod mount for increased accuracy
  • O-rings make the ComPro waterproof for increased reliability

What’s Is The Box :

  • BRUNTON 5008
  • Leather case
  • Instruction Manual



Brunton 5008 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Brunton Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

Dalam pengiriman produk yang pelanggan beli, sebelumnya sudah kami cek untuk memastikan produk dalam keadaan baik dan siap kirim.