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Benetech GM816 Anemometer

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Benetech GM816 Anemometer

Benetech GM816 Anemometer

Gunakan layar LCD besar untuk membaca data dengan lebih mudah. Ringan, pengoperasian sederhana, respons cepat, pengukuran akurat berbagai parameter meteorologi, digunakan dalam pemanasan, ventilasi, AC, meteorologi, pertanian, survei kebersihan tenaga kerja berpendingin dan kering, dll.

  • Pengukur Kecepatan & Suhu Udara
  • Pengukuran kecepatan udara Maks/Rata-rata/Arus
  • ℃/℉ Pemilihan satuan suhu


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Benetech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Benetech GM816 Anemometer

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Use large LCD screen to read data more easily. Light weight, simple operation, quick response, accurate measurement of various meteorological parameters, used in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, meteorology, agriculture, refrigerated and dry labor hygiene survey, etc.

Features Benetech GM816 Anemometer :

  • Air Velocity & Temperature Measuremen
  • Max/Average/Current air velocity measurement
  • ℃/℉ Temperature unit selection
  • Five units of air velocity
    M/s, Km/h, ft/min, Knots, mph
  • Beaufort scale
  • Backlight display
  • Manual/Auto power shut off
  • Wind chill indication
  • Low battery indication

Specifications Benetech GM816 Anemometer :

A. Air velocity
Unit Range Resolution Threshold Accuracy
M/s 0~30 0.1 0.1 ±5%
Ft/min 0~5860 19 39
Knots 0~55 0.2 0.1
Km/hr 0~90 0.3 0.3
Mph 0~65 0.2 0.2


Unit Range Resolution Accuracy
-10℃~+45℃ 0.2 ±2℃
°F 14°F~113°F 0.36 ±3.6°F
Battery CR2032 3.0V (Included)
Thermometer NTC thermometer
Operating temperature -10℃~+45℃(1 4°F~113°F)
Operating humidity Less than 90%RH
Store temperature -40℃~+60℃(-40°F~140°F)
Current consumption Approx. 3mA
Weight 52g
Dimension 40x18x105mm

Accessories :

  • 3V lithium battery*1
  • Host*1
  • Instructions*1
  • Blister packaging*1

Video :



Benetech GM816 Datasheet

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