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Benetech GM640 Grain Moisture Meter

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Benetech GM640 Grain Moisture Meter

Benetech GM640 Grain Moisture Meter

  • Pilih variasi biji-bijian.
  • Uji kadar air biji-bijian.
  • Ukur suhu biji-bijian.
  • Menetapkan standar kadar air gabah dan memberikan peringatan terhadap kadar air gabah yang
  • melebihi standar.
  • Kontrol lampu latar.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Benetech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Benetech GM640 Grain Moisture Meter

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This instrument is a grain moisture tester which can measure moisture content of multiple kinds of grains fast. It applies to allocation, procurement, storage and processing of grains. This instrument can also measure temperature of the grain.

Features Benetech GM640 Grain Moisture Meter :

  • Select grain variety.
  • Test moisture content of the grain.
  • Measure temperature of the grain.
  • Set standard for moisture content of the grain and give warning on over-standard moisture of grain.
  • Backlight control.
  • Switch between Celsius degree and Fahrenheit degree.
  • Battery low power warning.
  • Auto power-off.
  • Data hold.

Specifications Benetech GM640 Grain Moisture Meter :

Measuring Range Maximum Error Resolution Ratio
Moisture content 5%~30% ±(1%Rh+0.5) 0.5%
Temperature -10℃~60℃ ±2.5℃(±5℉) 0.1℃ /0.1℉
Temperature Humidity
Operating environment 0℃~40℃ 0~85%RH
Host Probe
Weight 190.6g 208.3g
Dimension 72x35x145MM 415x36x36MM
Power supply 3×1.5V AAA battery



Benetech GM640 Datasheet

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