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Benetech GM610 Moisture Meter

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Benetech GM610 Moisture Meter

Benetech GM610 Moisture Meter

  • Dapat disesuaikan untuk 4 spesies pohon
  • Membaca dapat dikunci
  • Kompensasi suhu otomatis untuk lingkungan bervariasi
  • Tinjauan pembacaan kelembaban maksimum
  • Tombol nyala/mati lampu latar


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Benetech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Benetech GM610 Moisture Meter

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Benetech products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

This precision instrument applies the most advanced core technology in MCU application field, which features accurate output, convenient operation and 4-level adjustment, can be applied in measuring the moisture level in the woods, bamboo, paper and some Chinese medical plants.

Features Benetech GM610 Moisture Meter :

  • Adjustable for 4 tree species
  • Reading lockable
  • Auto temperature compensation for environment varying
  • Maximum moisture reading review
  • Backlight on/off switch
  • Applying CPU technology for accurate measuring
  • 2 pcs of AAA battery for power supply with battery icon for indication of power
  • Large LCD
  • Automatic turn-off if there is no further operation within 120 seconds while manual turn-off can be performed
  • Able to measure the environmental humidity and temperature
  • Compact and fine design with solid and light plastic material, Portable and easy operation

Specifications Benetech GM610 Moisture Meter :

Range Max error Resolution
Moisture Spc1:5~40%




± 1%+0.5 0.5 %
Temperature -10℃~60℃ ±1℃ 0.1℃
Humidity 20%RH~95%RH ±5.0%RH 0.1%RH
Temperature :0℃~40℃;
Humidity : 20%RH~95%RH
Weight 107.7g
Fork 9.8mm
Excluding battery



Benetech GM610 Datasheet

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