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Benetech GM3123 High Voltage Insulation Tester

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Benetech GM3123 High Voltage Insulation Tester

Benetech GM3123 High Voltage Insulation Tester

  • Fungsi pelepasan otomatis membuat pengoperasian aman.
  • Lampu Latar LCD.
  • Tampilan pembacaan digital.
  • Simbol peringatan sirkuit langsung dengan suara audio.
  • Fungsi mati otomatis (dalam 10 menit tanpa pengoperasian)


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Benetech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Benetech GM3123 High Voltage Insulation Tester

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Features Benetech GM3123 High Voltage Insulation Tester :

  • Auto- discharge function to make, the operation safe.
  • LCD Back-light.
  • Digital readout display.
  • Live circuit warning symbols with audio sounds.
  • Auto- power off function (in 10 minutes without operation)
  • Timer measurement function.
  • Low battery indication.
  • Suitable for 12V DC adapter (12V/1A)

Specifications Benetech GM3123 High Voltage Insulation Tester :

Insulation resistance tester:

Rated voltage 250V 500V 1000V 2500V
Test range 0.0~99.9MΩ
0.0~99.9 MΩ
100~999 MΩ
0.0~99.9 MΩ
100~999 MΩ
0.0~99.9 MΩ
100~999 MΩ
Open circuit voltage DC 250V
+30%, -0%
DC 500V
+30% -0%
DC 1000V
+20% -0%
DC 2500V
+20% -0%
Rated current 0.5MΩloading
0.5MΩ loading
2.5MΩ loading
2.5MΩ loading
Short- circuit
Approx. 1.3mA
Accuracy ±5%rdg±3%dgt

Voltage tester:

30~600V (Resolution 1V)

±30~±600V 30~600V(50/60Hz)
Resolution 1V
Accuracy ±2%rdg±3dgt

Technology parameter:

Technology parameter Technology index
Display Max. 999 counts LCD display(1000 counts
only at 1T is displayed)Bar graph/ max. 36
Over range indication OL mark appears on insulation
resistance range.
LO mark appears on voltage’s range.
Auto- ranging Range shifts to upper range: 1000 count
Range shifts to lower range: 95 counts
(merely on the insulation resistance range)
Sample rate 0.5~ 10 times/sec
Operable altitude Less than 2000m (Indoor use)
Operation circumstance Temperature 0~40℃, humidity <= 85%
Storage circumstance Temperature -20~ 60℃, humidity <= 90%
Overload protection Insulation resistance : AC 1200V/ 10s
Voltage : AC 720V/ 10 s
Voltage resistance AC8320 (50/60Hz)/ 5 second (between
electrical circuit and enclosure)
Insulation resistance 1000M of more/ DC 1000V (between
electrical circuit and enclosure)
Power supply DC12V (8×1.5V LR14 battery)
Battery’s life Approx. 15 hours
Dimension 153x96x220mm
Weight 1032g (without batteries and test wires)



Benetech GM3123 Datasheet

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