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AZ Instrument AZ-8902 Relative Humidity Anemometer

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AZ Instrument AZ-8902 Relative Humidity Anemometer

AZ Instrument AZ-8902 Relative Humidity Anemometer

Pengukur kecepatan angin AZ 8902 memiliki kipas jarak jauh untuk mengukur Kecepatan Udara, Kecepatan Udara, Volume Udara, Suhu, Kelembapan, titik embun, dan suhu bola basah. Sensor ini terpasang pada kipas jarak jauh dan dilindungi secara khusus oleh tutup putar. Pengguna dapat menyalakan tutupnya sebelum pengoperasian, dan kemudian mendapatkan pembacaan suhu dan kelembapan yang akurat.


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AZ Instrument AZ-8902 Relative Humidity Anemometer

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Features AZ Instrument AZ-8902 Relative Humidity Anemometer :

AZ 8902 Temperature and Relative Humidity Wind Speed Meter features:

  • Remote vane with built-in sensor.
  • Temp. / Dew Point / RH% / Wet Bulb / Air Velocity / Air volume.
  • Quick to get Dew Point & Wet Bulb in seconds.

Application :

Application of 8902 AZ air flow measuring devices:
The 8902 AZ wind speed meter has the remote fan to measure the Air Speed, Air Velocity, Air Volume, Temp., Humidity, dew point and wet bulb temperature. The sensor is built in the remote fan and is specially protected by rotate cap. User could turn on the cap before operation, and then get the accurate temperature and humidity reading.

The 8902 AZ Anemo Psychrometer is the best choice as the wind speed monitoring device in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation , Refrigerating and Air Conditioning) or industrial related application.

The 8902 AZ Anemometer was being designed and manufactured by AZ Instrument, a well experienced manufacturer for Environmental Measuring Instrument.

Specifications AZ Instrument AZ-8902 Relative Humidity Anemometer :

Model 8902
Wind Speed Range 0.6~32 m/s
Wind Speed Accuracy ±(2% of reading+0.2 m/s)
Air Temperature Range -20~60℃
Air Temperature Resolution 0.1℃, 0.1℉
Air Temperature Accuracy ±0.6℃
Air RH% Range 0%~100%RH
Air RH% Resolution 0.1%RH
Air RH% Accuracy ±3%RH (at 25℃. 10~90%RH, others ±5%RH)
Temperature Response Time 60 seconds (typical)
Air RH% Response Time 60 seconds (typical)
LCD Update Every second
Wet Bulb Temp. Display -22~70℃
Dew Point Temp. Display -68~70℃
Air Volume Display 0~99999 m3/minute
Air Volume Resolution 0.1 (0~9999.9) or 1 (10000~99999)
LCD Size 44(L) * 26(W) mm
Operating Temperature 0~50℃
Operating RH% Humidity <80%
Storage Temperature -10~50℃
Storage RH% Humidity <90%
Size Meter: 175(L) * 70(W) * 33(H) mm
Vane: 170(L) * 77(W) * 40(H) mm
Weight ~170g
Battery AAA*4 PCS or 9V DC Adaptor
Optional Accessory Replacement Vane Probe / Software Kit
Standard Package Meter, Vane Probe, Batteries, Manual, Hard Carry Case



AZ Instrument AZ-8902 Datasheet

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