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AZ Instrument AZ-8808 Temp. & RH% Data Logger

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AZ Instrument AZ-8808 Temp. & RH% Data Logger

AZ Instrument AZ-8808 Temp. & RH% Data Logger

  • Alat yang sangat berguna untuk pemantauan dan kontrol suhu dalam ruangan
  • Layar monitor super besar yang dapat dipasang di dinding
  • Sensor suhu dan kelembaban yang cepat
  • Kapasitas Memori 16K (8K:Temp. 8K:RH%)
  • Port USB untuk mengunggah kenangan ke PC untuk analisis lebih lanjut


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung AZ Instrument Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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AZ Instrument AZ-8808 Temp. & RH% Data Logger

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Features AZ Instrument AZ-8808 Temp. & RH% Data Logger :

  • A very useful tool for indoor temperature monitoring and control
  • Wall mountable super large monitor display
  • Quick temperature and humidity sensor
  • 16K Memory capacity (8K:Temp. 8K:RH%)
  • USB port for uploading memories to PC for further analysis
  • Button and PC Programming are both feasible
  • Program for the following setting :
  • logger sample interval, start/stop, date and time
  • Hi/Lo alarm threshold, unit selection, memory points etc
  • Visible flash & audible buzzer warning threshold are programmable
  • Salt bottle self-calibration function is integrated
  • Tripod screw hole on the button of the meter
  • 9V DC Adaptor for long time using
  • If you would not want to use software, please refer the AZ USB data loggers series products

Application :

The 8808 AZ Monitor can measure and record the Temperature and Relative Humidity. It has a big LCD, which would be your best partner for monitoring and recording the temperature.

The 8808 AZ Thermo Hyrgometer Data Logger can be your best tool as the wall-mounted indoor air quality monitor. It could be used for the temperature and humidity monitor for warehouse, work space, laboratories, basement, wine cellar or other controlled environment.

The 8808 AZ Temperature Humidity Recorder was being designed and manufactured by AZ Instrument, a well experienced manufacturer for Environmental Measuring Instrument.

Specifications AZ Instrument AZ-8808 Temp. & RH% Data Logger :

Model 8808
Temperature Range -20~70℃
Temperature Resolution 0.1℃, 0.1℉
Temperature Accuracy ±0.6℃ (0~50℃), others ±1.2℃
Humidity Range 0~100% RH
Humidity Resolution 0.1% RH
Humidity Accuracy ±3%RH (at 25℃. 10~90%RH, others ±5%RH)
Sampling Points 8K:T, 8K:RH%
Button to ON/OFF YES
USB Interface YES
LCD Size 63(L) * 51(W) mm
Display Type LCD
Start Logging Method Schedule / Immediately Start / Key Start/ Repeat Start
Storage Temperature -20~50℃
Storage RH% Humidity <90%
Meter Size 120(L) * 93(W) * 42(H) mm
Weight ~200g
Battery AA*4PCS or 9V DC Adaptor
Standard Package Meter, Batteries, Manual, Paper Box, Soft CD, USB Cable
Optional Accessory RH Calibration Salt Kit



AZ Instrument AZ-8808 Datasheet

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