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AZ Instrument AZ-87785 Handheld WBGT Anemometer Cup

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AZ Instrument AZ-87785 Handheld WBGT Anemometer Cup

AZ Instrument AZ-87785 Handheld WBGT Anemometer Cup

  • Untuk memeriksa WBGT Dalam/Luar Ruangan, TA/TG, Kecepatan angin dan kelembapan
  • Pengukuran langsung efek radiasi dengan bola hitam kuningan 75 mm untuk mengetahui suhu bola
  • Pemantauan ambang batas alarm WBGT yang dapat disesuaikan dan terdengar
  • Mekanisme pelindung sensor dengan filter debu untuk mendapatkan pembacaan yang akurat dan memperpanjang masa pakai sensor
  • Lampu latar hijau/kuning/merah 3 warna sebagai pengingat kondisi WBGT


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AZ Instrument AZ-87785 Handheld WBGT Anemometer Cup

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Application of 87785 AZ Portable WBGT Anemometer

The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is a composite temperature used to estimate the effect of temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar radiation on humans.

AZ-87785 Portable WBGT Anemometer has the wind cup to measure the wind speed from all direction. And the wind speed value makes your WBGT value closer to the real climate thermo impact. There is a tripod hole on the bottle of device. User could use the tripod to hold the device vertically for long term use. It also could measure the air temperature (TA), globe temperature (TG), and humidity to give heat stress index for using in control of physical activity in hot environment to limit the danger of heat-related injuries.

AZ-87785 Portable WBGT Anemometer can show the different back light color to distinguish the different temperature value/level. It could be the best tool for monitoring the outdoor activities and Prevent people to get Heat Stroke

User could download the real time value of 87785 AZ Portable WBGT Anemometer via USB cable to PC for data analysis. It could be applied for measuring the WBGT value in construction, iron and steel foundries, bricks-firing plants, glass facilities, boiler rooms, mining sites, army training, marathon, beach activities and so on.

Features AZ Instrument AZ-87785 Handheld WBGT Meter with 3 Air Flow Cup :

  • To check Indoor/Outdoor WBGT, TA/TG, Wind speed and humidity
  • Direct measurement of the radiation effect with a 75 mm brass black ball for globe temperature
  • Adjustable and audible WBGT alarm threshold monitoring
  • Sensor protecting mechanism with dust filter to get accurate reading and extend sensor life time
  • Green/Yellow/Red 3 color backlights as WBGT condition reminder
  • Easy-to-read big LCD display with 6 dust proof rubber keys
  • 360 degree wind direction cup type anemometer to measure wind speed
  • Temperature/Wind speed unit switchable
  • Hold function to freeze reading and Max/Min function included
  • Battery low indicator & Sleep mode can be disabled
  • Tripod receptacle design for long time use
  • Built-in PC interface for real time download
  • Easy self calibration for humidity

Specifications AZ Instrument AZ-87785 Handheld WBGT Anemometer Cup :

Model 87785
Wind Speed Range 0.5~10 m/s
Wind Speed Accuracy ± (2% of reading +0.2) m/s
Temperature Range 0~50℃
Temperature Resolution 0.1℃, 0.1℉
Temperature Accuracy ±0.6℃
Humidity Range 0.1~99.9% RH
Humidity Resolution 0.1% RH
Humidity Accuracy ±3%RH (at 25℃, 10~90%RH); others ±5%RH
Global Temperature (Inside Black Ball) 0~80℃
Global Temp. Accuracy (Indoor) ±1℃at 15~40℃, others ±1.5℃
Global Temp. Accuracy (Outdoor) ±1.5℃at 15~40℃, others ±2℃
WBGT Temperature Range 0~50℃
WBGT Alarm Range 20~50℃
Black Ball Size Diameter 75 mm, Height 75 mm
Stabilization Time 15~25 minutes typical
RH% Self Calibration With 33% & 75% Salt Bottle
Operating Temperature 0~50℃
Operating RH% Humidity <80%
Storage Temperature -20~50℃
Storage RH% Humidity <90%
LCD Size 50(L) * 32(W) mm
Meter Size 310 (H)*91(Diameter, wind cup) mm
Weight ~350g
Battery AAA*4PCS
Battery life ~100 hours
Standard Package Meter, Batteries, Manual, Hard Carry Case



AZ Instrument AZ-87785 Datasheet

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