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AZ Instrument AZ-8403 Dissolved Oxygen Meter

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AZ Instrument AZ-8403 Dissolved Oxygen Meter

AZ Instrument AZ-8403 Dissolved Oxygen Meter

  • LCD besar dengan D.O. & Tampilan nilai suhu dan indikator stabilitas
  • Kalibrasi Nilai Oksigen Terlarut 100% yang mudah
  • Sensor oksigen terlarut adalah elektroda tipe Clark yang paling hemat biaya
  • Probe 8403 DO tidak memerlukan pengisian ulang elektrolit sesering elektroda galvanik
  • Pengukuran oksigen terlarut yang akurat


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung AZ Instrument Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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AZ Instrument AZ-8403 Dissolved Oxygen Meter

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Features AZ Instrument AZ-8403 Dissolved Oxygen Meter :

  • Big LCD with D.O. & Temperature value display and stability indicator
  • Easy 100% Dissolved Oxygen Value calibration
  • Dissolved oxygen sensor is the most cost effective Clark type electrode
  • 8403 DO probe does not need refill electrolyte often as galvanic electrode
  • Accurate dissolved oxygen measurement
  • Manually salinity and barometric pressure compensation
  • Stores and recalls 99 data with temperature readings
  • Real time clock for each memory data
  • USB interface + IrDA interface

Application :

  • The portable 8403 AZ DO meter can measure the value of Dissolved Oxygen with unit of % or ppm or mg/l in liquid, which had been widely operation in the Water Quality Testing applications. It has the big LCD which can display the D.O. (Dissolved Oxygen) value and the temperature.
  • The salinity and barometric pressure could affect the DO measuring accuracy, and that could be adjustable in 8403 AZ Digital DO Device, which could help user to get the accurate Dissolved Oxygen value.
  • The 8403 AZ Digital DO Device can calibrate easily in the ventilation environment, welcome to refer the DO calibration procedure video from the following YouTube link.
  • The measuring Dissolved Oxygen data could transmit to the 9680 IrDA Printer to printout. The 8403 AZ Dissolved Oxygen Meter could link to PC via USB cable to capture the on-line data, and display the Dissolved Oxygen readings with real-time output. User can retrieve file, save the data for operating data analysis, record statistics….versatile functions according different purposes.
  • The 8403 AZ Digital DO Device could be the best Water Quality tester for all professional measuring purposes, including the LAB, water treatment business, Aquaculture, Aqua farm, swimming pool or other related industry.
  • The 8403 AZ Dissolved Oxygen Detector was being designed and manufactured by AZ Instrument, a well experienced manufacturer for Environmental Measuring Instrument.

Specifications AZ Instrument AZ-8403 Dissolved Oxygen Meter :

Model 8403
DO Measuring Range 0~199.9 (in %)
DO Accuracy ±1.5% F.S (in %)
DO Resolution 0.1% (in %)
DO Measuring Range 0~19.99 (in ppm or mg/l)
DO Accuracy ±1.5% F.S (in ppm or mg/l)
DO Resolution 0.01 (in ppm or mg/l)
Temperature Measuring Range 0~50.0℃
Temperature Accuracy ±0.3℃
Temperature Resolution 0.1℃
Manual Compensation Included
Salinity Adjustable Range 0.0~50.0 ppt
Salinity Resolution 0.1 ppt
Barometric Pressure Adjustable Range 500~1499 mmHg/66.6~199.9 Kpa
Barometric Pressure Resolution 1 mmHg/0.1 Kpa
Coefficient of membrane Adjustable
Memory 99 Points
IrDA Port Included
Real Time/Recall Included
LCD Size 44(L)*26 (W) mm
Operating Temperature 0~50℃
Operating RH% Humidity <80%
Storage Temperature 0~60℃
Storage RH% Humidity <90%
Sensor Life Time >6 months (with good maintenance)
Meter Size 175(L) * 70(W) * 33(H) mm
Weight ~150g
Battery AAA *4 PCS
Standard Package Meter, Batteries, Dissolve Oxygen (D.O.) Probe (840PAZ),
Manual, Carry Case, Electrolyte, Syringe, Membrane, O-ring
Optional Accessory USB Cable & Software



AZ Instrument AZ-8403 Datasheet

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