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Atten AT7328 Oscilloscope

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Atten AT7328 Oscilloscope

Atten AT7328 Oscilloscope

  • Sensitivitas tegangan hingga 5mV-5V/DIV pada setiap channel.
  • 0.2s/div to 0.5s/div Time Base(Uncal upto 20ns)
  • Tegangan input: 400 Vpp (Max @10x probe)
  • 8 x 10 cm Display Internal Graticule
  • Trigger source: CH1, CH2, Line, EXT – Trigger mode: AUTO, NORM, TV-V, TV-H


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Atten AT7328 Oscilloscope

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Dual Channel 20 MHz Analog Oscilloscope

Specifications Atten AT7328 Oscilloscope :

  • Sensitivitas tegangan hingga 5mV-5V/DIV pada setiap channel.
  • 0.2s/div to 0.5s/div Time Base(Uncal upto 20ns)
  • Tegangan input: 400 Vpp (Max @10x probe)
  • 8 x 10 cm Display Internal Graticule
  • Trigger source: CH1, CH2, Line, EXT – Trigger mode: AUTO, NORM, TV-V, TV-H
  • TV signal synchronous function, TV Triggering Frame (V) amp; Line (H)
  • Dilengkapi fungsi DUAL amp; ADD untuk kedua sinyal input
  • Dilengkapi output untuk tegangan kalibrasi sebesar 2 Vpp/1 kHz
  • Dilengkapi tombol pengatur intensitas cahaya amp; fokus layar

Features Atten AT7328 Oscilloscope :

  • VERTICAL AXIS Sensitivity 5mV~5V/DIV, 10 steps in 1-2-5 sequence (X5 MAG:1mV/DIV) Sensitivity accuracy 3% (5MAG: 5%) Vernier vertical sensitivity continuously variable to 1/2.5 or
  • less of panel-indicated value Frequency bandwidth DC-20MHz (5MAG:DC-7MHz) DC-40MHz (5MAG:DC-15MHz) AC coupling Low limit frequency 10Hz. (With reference to
  • 100KHz,8DIV.Frequency response with-3dB) Rise time Approx.17.5Ns (5MAG:Approx.50Ns) / 9.5nS (X5MAG: Approx.25nS) Input impedance Approx. 1M ohm//Approx. 25pF Square wave
  • characteristics Overshoot: 5%(At 10Mv/DIV range) other distortions and other ranges: 5% added to the above value DC balance shift: 5mV~5V/DIV; 0.5 DIV, 1mV~2mV/DIV2.0DIV
  • Linearity: lt; 0.1DIV of amplitude change when waveform of 2 DIV at graticule center is moved vertically. Vertical modes CH1 single channel CH2 single channel DUAL CH1 and CH2 are
  • displayed ALT or CHOP selectable at any sweep rate. ADD CH1+CH2 algebraic addition Chopping repetition frequency Approx.250KHz Input coupling AC, GND , DC Maximum input



Atten AT7328 Datasheet

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