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Atago PAL-H Digital Pocket Refractometer

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Atago PAL-H Digital Pocket Refractometer

Atago PAL-H Digital Pocket Refractometer

Sampel dengan suhu tinggi seperti sup ramen, saus tara untuk beef bowl, sirup, selai, susu kedelai dll harus menunggu 15 hingga 20 detik untuk pengukuran. PAL-H adalah sampel suhu tinggi, dan memiliki Mode H yang dapat melakukan pengukuran stabil pada kecepatan tinggi 2 detik. ”


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Atago Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Atago PAL-H Digital Pocket Refractometer

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Mode H™ Technology measure high temperature sample in 2 seconds

Samples with high temperature such as ramen soup, tare sauce for beef bowl, syrup, jam, soy milk etc. had to wait 15 to 20 seconds for measurement. The PAL-H is a high temperature sample, and it has Mode H that can perform stable measurements at a high speed of 2 seconds. ”

Specifications Atago PAL-H Digital Pocket Refractometer :

Model PAL-H
Cat.No. 3870
Range Brix : 0.0 to 93.0%,   Temperature : 10.0 to 100℃
Resolution Brix : 0.5%
Accuracy Brix : ±0.5%
International Protection Class IP 65 (Water resistant)
Temperature compensation 10 to 100℃
Dimension & Weight 5.5  × 3.1 × 10.9 cm , 100g (Main Unit only)



Atago PAL-H Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Atago Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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