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Atago MASTER-S/Mill Alpha Salinity Refractometer

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Atago MASTER-S/Mill Alpha Salinity Refractometer

Atago MASTER-S/Mill Alpha Salinity Refractometer

  • Tahan lama terhadap sampel asin
  • Menampilkan salinitas dalam bagian per juta
  • Kompensasi suhu otomatis
  • Anti air


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Atago Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Atago MASTER-S/Mill Alpha Salinity Refractometer

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This instrument measures the salinity and specific gravity of seawater, and utilizes a new material that is durable against salty samples, The salinity of seawater is displayed in parts per mill (‰).

Features Atago MASTER-S/Mill Alpha Salinity Refractometer :

  • Durable against salty samples
  • Displays salinity in parts per million
  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Water resistant

Difference between MASTER-S/Mill Alpha and MASTER-S/Mill M

  • The MASTER-S/Mill Alpha an Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)
  • The MASTER-S/MillM Temperature Compensation will be carried out manually

Specifications Atago MASTER-S/Mill Alpha Salinity Refractometer :

Model MASTER-S/Mill A
Cat.No. 2491
Range Salinity : 0 to 100‰
Specific gravity 1.000 to 1.070
Minimum Scale Salinity 1‰
Specific gravity 0.001
Accuracy Salinity ±2‰
Specific gravity ±0.001
(Automatic Temperature Compensation)

Each Unit Include With :

  • MASTER-S/Mill Alpha
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Calibration Report



Atago MASTER-S Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Atago Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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