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AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer

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AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer

AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer

AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer merupakan sebuah perangkat ukur yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu pengguna melakukan pengukuran hanya dengan waktu yang singkat. Alat ini diproduksi guna membantu pengguna dalam melakukan pengukuran nilai konsentrasi pada gula. Alat ini juga memiliki beberapa fitur canggih yang akan membantu memudahkan pengguna setiap melakukan pengukuran.


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AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer

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AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer is a measuring device that can be used to help users make measurements in a short time. This tool is produced to assist users in measuring the concentration value of sugar. This tool also has several advanced features that will help make it easier for users to take measurements every time.

This tool is commonly used in the sugar industry. This tool is equipped with several specifications that can support the user’s work every time he takes measurements. This tool is also a sugar refractometer measuring tool that can produce accurate measurement results with an accuracy value of ± 0.5%. With this tool the user does not need to bother in making measurements.

Features AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer :

  • Has an accuracy value ± 0.5%
  • This tool is professional and modern
  • Able to measure only a short time, it doesn’t take a long time
  • Can work precisely, accurately and effectively
  • Portable shape, easy to use

Specification AMTAST RHB0-80 Sugar Refractometer :

Model RHB0-80
Rentang Brix: 0-80%
Min.Div Brix: 0.5%
Akurasi Brix: ± 0,5%
Keterangan Tanpa ATC



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