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AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter

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AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter

AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter

AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter adalah sebuah alat ukur jarak yang dirancang oleh brand AMTAST guna memberikan akurasi pengukuran yang sangat baik. Alat ini juga memiliki kecepatan pengukuran mencapai 13 km/jam. Selain itu alat ini juga biasa disebut sebagai meteran dorong. Dengan adanya alat ini pengguna tidak perlu repot dalam melakukan pengukuran.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung AMTAST Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter

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AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter is a distance measuring tool designed by the AMTAST brand to provide excellent measurement accuracy. This tool also has a measurement speed of up to 13 km/hour. In addition, this tool is also commonly referred to as a push meter. With this tool users do not need to bother in making measurements.

This tool is widely used in general for measuring up and down roads, road maintenance, even underground works. This tool has a function to measure the distance and length of the road using the push method. This tool is also equipped with an LCD display near the handrails which will display the long distance of the road with an accuracy of up to 99%. Apart from that, this tool is also capable of measuring almost 10km to be precise, 9,999km.

Features AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter :

  • Equipped with a large LCD screen for easy reading
  • Use a bright orange (“safety” color)
  • Equipped with a large LCD screen for easy reading of measurement results
  • Equipped with an auto poweroff function after 3 minutes
  • It can reduce the chance of an accidental measurement with the easy START/STOP mode feature
  • The control panel is located close to the handle
  • With “Smart Wheel” for accurate wall-to-wall measurements
  • Equipped with unit conversion function. Supports meters, feet, yards

Specifications AMTAST MW300 Walking Distance Meter :

Wheel Size 1 meter (39-3/8”) in circumference; .318 meter (12-9/16”) diameter
Measure Range 999,999.9 meters/feet/yard
Wheel Accuracy 99.9%
Wheel Composition high-impact plastic; TPE rubber tires
Maximum speed 13km/h
Product Weight 1.8kgs
Length (extended) 1122mm
Length (contracted) 620mm
Power x 4 AAA Duracell batteries
Battery Life Approx. 400+ hours of actual use
Auto Shut-off 3 minutes
Keypad 12 keys
Operating Temperature 14-140 F (-10-60 C)
Display Type segment LCD; 6 digits (up to 99,999.9)
Accuracy 99.9% measurement accuracy



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