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AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter

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AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter

AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter

AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter adalah alat ukur yang dirancang khusus oleh brand AMTAST guna membantu pengguna dalam melakukan pengukuran tingkat konsentrasi suatu sampel. Alat ini dapat digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kemurnian.

  • Dilengkapi dengan tabung 100/200mm, lampu sodium.
  • Memiliki desain yang kompak


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung AMTAST Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter

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AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter is a measuring instrument specifically designed by the AMTAST brand to assist users in measuring the concentration level of a sample. This tool can be used to determine the level of purity. This tool can also be used to measure the purity of sugar in the standard international sugar scale. When measuring Specific Optical Rotation, users can measure it with a 100mm glass tube when the solution temperature is 20oC.

This tool is widely applied in the medical, educational, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries etc. This tool is equipped with various features and specifications that will make it easier for users to make measurements. In measuring the degree of purity, the user only needs to measure the rotation angle, then calculate it. In carrying out concentration measurements for some known specific optical rotation substances, the user can measure their angle of rotation and calculate the concentration according to the formula.

Features AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter :

  • Equipped with 100/200mm tube, sodium lamp
  • Has a compact design
  • Easy to operate and comfortable to use
  • Has various functions
  • Wide measuring range

Specifications AMTAST LWXG-4 Polarimeter :

Scale Value 1o
Verniers 0.05o
Magnifiers 3x
Light Source Sodium Lamp
Wavelength 589.44nm
Tube Length up to 200mm
Stable time 10 minutes
Power Requirements 220VAC / 50Hz
Dimensions 500 (L) mm × 135 (W) mm x 330 (H) mm
Weight 5kg



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