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AMTAST AMT65 Moisture Meter

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AMTAST AMT65 Moisture Meter

AMTAST AMT65 Moisture Meter

AMTAST AMT65 Moisture Meter Adalah alat ukur kadar air biji-bijian beras, gabah atau padi yang memberikan persentase kadar air, kandungan kelembaban, tingkat kekeringan komoditi beras yang portable dengan pemakaian yang mudah, praktis dengan hasil tepat cepat dan akurat dan saat ini semakin banyak dipakai oleh kalangan kelompok tani , pengusaha ataupun instasi yang berkaitan dengan usaha pertanian dalam peningkatan mutu kualitas mutu dari komoditi bijinya.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung AMTAST Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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AMTAST AMT65 Moisture Meter

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AMTAST AMT65 Moisture Meter is a tool to measure the moisture content of rice grains, grain or paddy which gives the percentage of water content, moisture content, dryness level of rice commodities that are portable with easy use, practical with precise, fast and accurate results and are currently being used more and more by the public. farmer groups, entrepreneurs or institutions related to agricultural business in improving the quality of the quality of grain commodities.

AMT65 has the advantage of features with microprocessor control for grain, kernels and seed measurements with an understandable Indonesian display, an external temperature display for current ambient temperature information and the superiority of this product we call an all in one grain meter because it can measure grain moisture content or moisture meter about 24 types of grain accurately. The measurement range of grain moisture content ranges from 0 ~ 50% with an accuracy of about 0.5% moisture value under storage conditions so as to minimize the error value from measuring grain moisture content.

AMT65 is a measuring instrument for the moisture content of unhusked rice which has an adjustment value that we can adjust as a result of an agreement on the value with other measuring instruments so that this will really help various parties who use it. As for other features, namely the AMT65 digital all in one amt65 digital grain moisture meter is accompanied by stored test results and displays the average reading as well as a warning when the battery condition is low

Specifications AMTAST AMT65 Moisture Meter :

Calibration Correction Feature Available
Microprocessor control for measuring grains, kernels and seeds
Alphanumeric display options in Indonesian
AMT-65 external temperature probe as option
Moisture % for 24 grains and seeds
Grain Measurement Range 0~50%
Humidity accuracy of 0.5% under storage conditions
Users can adjust the calibration to match commercial meters
Automatic temperature compensation : Yes
The test results are stored and display the reading average
Low battery warning : Yes



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