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AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter

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AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter

AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter

AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter adalah sebuah perangkat alat pengukur yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kekeruhan portabel yang mudah di gunakan, dan dilengkapi dengan tas bawaan standar. Skema daya multi-mode (baterei, adaptor daya, port, USB) dapat memastikan bahwa penggunaan meteran berjalan lancar.


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AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter

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The AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter is an easy-to-use, portable turbidity measuring device that comes with a standard carrying case. Multi-mode power scheme (battery , power adapter, port, USB) can ensure that using the meter smoothly.

This tool uses a continuous measurement mode that can be used to index and match sample vials. Then this tool also uses the reset feature to automatically resume all settings back to factory default settings.

Features AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter :

  • The easy-to-use portable turbidity meter comes with a standard carrying case
  • 2 to 5 point calibration using Formazin Standards
  • Four turbidity units were selected, including NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit), FNU (Formazine Turbidity Unit), EBC (European Brewery Convention) and ASBC (American Society of Brewing Chemists)
  • Single measurement mode automatically recognizes stable readings
  • Continuous measurement mode that can be used to index and match sample vials
  • Auto Power Off helps users save battery effectively
  • The system menu allows setting of 7 parameters, including date and time, resolution, etc
  • Reset feature automatically resumes all settings back to factory default settings
  • Expanded memory stores and remembers up to 100 readings
  • Stored data can be transferred to a computer via the USB communication interface
  • Multi-mode power scheme (battery, power adapter, USB port) ensures that using the meter smoothly

Specifications AMTAST AMT27 Portable Turbidity Meter :

Measurement Method ISO 7027 nephelometric method (90°)
Measurement Range 0 -1100 NTU/FNU, 0 -275 EBC, 0 -9999 ASBC
Resolution 0.01 (0 – 100 NTU), 0.1 (100 – 999 NTU), 1 (999 – 1100 NTU)
Accuracy ±2% (0 – 500 NTU), ±3% (501 – 1100 NTU)
Calibration Standard 0.02, 10, 200, 500, 1000 NTU or User Defined
Light Source Infrared-emitting diode (850 nm wavelength)
Detector Silicon Photodiode
Stray Light <0.02 NTU
Sample Bottle 60 (H) x 25 (Dia.) Mm
Power Off Manual or Automatic (15 minutes)
Memory Stores up to 100 data sets
Output USB Communication Interface
Operating Temperature 0 -60°C
Power Requirements 1 x 9V Battery
Dimensions 180 (L) x 85 (W) x 70 (H) mm
Weight 300g



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