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AMTAST AMT-131 Data Logger

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AMTAST AMT-131 Data Logger

AMTAST AMT-131 Data Logger

AMTAST AMT-131 merupakan sebuah perangkat alat ukur digital yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur dan menghubungkan suhu udara di tempat atau suatu ruangan tertentu. Dengan menggunakan teknologi yang canggih dan pengoperasian secara digital, alat ini dapat mengukur suhu suatu tempat dengan akurat,

  • Memori penyimpanan datanya besar
  • Dapat dihubungkan ke komputer melalui antarmuka miniUSB


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AMTAST AMT-131 Data Logger

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AMTAST AMT-131 Data Logger is a digital measuring device that can be used to measure and monitor the air temperature in a certain place or room. By using sophisticated technology and digital operation, this tool can accurately measure the temperature of a place, besides that this tool can also display the measurement results continuously on the LCD screen of this tool.This tool is a tool that is widely used not only in industry, but also in medical places such as hospitals and laboratories. Hospital use is usually to monitor the room temperature of the patient being treated to ensure that the temperature is appropriate for the patient’s condition. While in the laboratory this tool is used to ensure the temperature of the laboratory to maintain the quality of the research samples.

Features AMTAST AMT-131 Data Logger :

  • Large data storage memory
  • Can be connected to a computer via the miniUSB interface
  • The large LCD displays the last measurement result
  • Data stored in memory is not lost when the power is cut off
  • Can measure temperature in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit

Specifications AMTAST AMT-131 Data Logger :

Measuring range
Temperature: -30 – 70 °C
Humidity: 0 – 100 %RH
Temperature: ±0.5 °C
Humidity: ±5 %RH
Resolution 0.1
Data capture cycle every 2 seconds to 24 hours
Memory capacity 43,000 data
Display LCD 42 x 20 mm
Data output miniUSB
Power supply 2 x AAA battery
Dimensions 92 x 57 x 20mm
Weight 200 g (with battery)



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