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Amprobe TIC 410A Hot Stick Attachment

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Amprobe TIC 410A Hot Stick Attachment

Amprobe TIC 410A Hot Stick Attachment

Lampiran Hot Stick TIC 410A secara fisik dan elektrik memperluas jangkauan detektor tegangan tinggi TIC 300 Pro untuk memeriksa saluran transmisi, peralatan distribusi daya, saluran listrik mati, sekering, dan konektor pemutus beban. Adaptor universal TIC 410A memperluas volumetage batas pada TIC 300 Pro dari 1500 AC menjadi 122,000 VAC (122 kV) dan menyesuaikan dari 33″ menjadi 57″. Pasang saja ke adaptor universal pada probe tegangan tinggi TIC 300 Pro – tidak diperlukan alat lain.


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Amprobe TIC 410A Hot Stick Attachment

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The TIC 410A Hot Stick Attachment physically and electrically extends the reach of the TIC 300 Pro high voltage detector for checking transmission lines, power distribution equipment, down power lines, fuses, and load break connectors. The TIC 410A universal adapter extends the voltage limit on the TIC 300 Pro from 1500 AC to 122,000 VAC (122 kV) and adjusts from 33″ to 57″. Just screw it onto the universal adapter on the TIC 300 Pro high voltage probe – no other tools are required.

Amprobe TIC 410A Hot Stick Attachment, Black: Voltage Testers: Amazon.com: Tools & Home Improvement

Features Amprobe TIC 410A Hot Stick Attachment :

  • Attaches to the TIC-300 PRO TIC Tracer AC voltage detector to extend your reach for checking transmission lines, power distribution equipment, down power lines, fuses, and load break connectors
  • Also compatible with the AT-7000 Series and AT-6000 Series Advanced Wire Tracers
  • Extends voltage detection level from 1500 V AC to 122,000 V AC (122 kV)
  • Expands to 57″ long and collapses to 33″ for easy storage

What’s Included

  • TIC 410A



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