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Amprobe SOLAR-100 Solar Power Meter

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Amprobe SOLAR-100 Solar Power Meter

Amprobe SOLAR-100 Solar Power Meter

Optimalkan penempatan tata surya dan verifikasi efisiensi jendela. SOLAR-100 mengukur keluaran tenaga surya yang digunakan untuk menghitung keseluruhan energi, efisiensi, dan penempatan tata surya.

  • Mengukur tenaga surya dan transmisi hingga 2000 W/m2, 634BTU / (ft2xh)
  • Mode daya – pengukuran daya per satuan luas radiasi matahari yang terjadi
  • Mode transmisi – menghitung persentase transmisi tenaga surya dari material, misalnya berapa banyak tenaga surya dalam % yang akan disalurkan melalui jendela


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Amprobe SOLAR-100 Solar Power Meter

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Optimize the placement of solar systems and verify window efficiency. The SOLAR-100 measures solar output that is used to calculate overall energy, efficiency and placement of solar systems.

Applications :

  • Windows performance – calculation and verification of the heating or heat reduction caused by direct sunlight
  • Solar radiation measurements
  • Solar power research for location of the solar panels or solar water heater
  • Physics and optical laboratories
  • Meteorology
  • Agriculture

Features Amprobe SOLAR-100 Solar Power Meter :

  • Measures the solar power and transmission up to 2000 W/m2, 634BTU / (ft2xh)
  • Power mode – measurement of the power per unit area of incident solar radiation
  • Transmission mode – calculates the solar power transmission percentage of the material for example how much solar power in % will be transmitted through the window
  • Convenient to read display with remote sensor technology
  • Selectable measurement units either W/m2 or BTU / ( ft2 x h)
  • Data hold
  • Max/min functions to indentify locations with maximum or minimum power

Specifications Amprobe SOLAR-100 Solar Power Meter :

Features SOLAR-100
Solar power Up to 2000 W/m2, 634 BTU/(ft2xh)
Data hold
Display: 3½ digits, 2000 readings
Range: 1999 W/m2, 634BTU / (ft2xh)
Battery: 1 X 9V Alkaline battery (NE DA 1604A, IE C 6LR61) included

What’s Included :

  • SOLAR-100
  • Battery (installed)
  • Carrying case



Amprobe SOLAR-100 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Amprobe Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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