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Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter

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Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter

Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter

Diagnosis potensi kegagalan dengan MO-100, meteran miliohm bertenaga baterai portabel. Periksa dengan cepat belitan terbuka atau pendek pada motor, generator dan transformator, resistansi sambungan kawat-ke-kawat, pengujian elemen pemanas, dan resistansi kontak pada sambungan listrik penting.

  • Pengukuran empat terminal yang akurat hingga 100µ ohm tidak memerlukan kompensasi resistansi kabel uji
  • Berkisar dari 200,0m ohm hingga 2000 ohm dengan resolusi minimum 100µ Ohm
  • Pengukuran presisi dengan tiga arus uji dengan perlindungan suhu berlebih


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Amprobe Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Amprobe products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Diagnose potential failure with the MO-100, portable battery powered milliohm meter. Quickly check windings opens or shorts in motors, generators and transformers, wire-to-wire connection resistances, heating elements testing and contact resistance in critical electrical connections.

Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter | Amprobe

Features Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter :

  • Accurate four terminal measurement down to 100µ ohms does not require test leads resistance compensation
  • Ranges from 200.0m ohms to 2000 ohms with minimum resolution of 100µ Ohm
  • Measurement precision with three test currents with over-temperature protection
  • Protection against inadvertent connection to overvoltage
  • Large LCD
  • Potential lead resistance, current lead resistance checks
  • Auto-hold and auto-off features
  • Lightweight, robust compact.
  • Indicates measurement errors due to temperature or connection problems
  • O-Ring sealed enclosure
  • Battery powered
  • IEC / EN 61010-1

Specifications Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter :

Measuring range 0 → 200.0 mO in steps of 100 µO
0 → 2000 mO in steps of 1 mO
0 → 20.00 O in steps of 10 mO
0 → 200.0 O in steps of 100 mO
0 → 2000 O in steps of 1 O
Test current 1 mA (2000 O range)
10 mA (20 O / 200 O range)
100 mA (200 mO / 2000 mO range)
Measuring ranges 0-200.0m ohms in steps of 100µohm
0-2000m ohms in steps of 1m ohm
0-20.00 ohms in steps of 10m ohm
0-200.0 ohms in steps of 100m ohm
0-2000 ohms in steps of 1 ohm
Accuracy ±0.5% of reading ±2 digits over the operating temperature range, -15 °C to 55 °C (5 °F to 131 °F), with the supplied test leads
Test current 1mA =>2000 ohms range
10mA =>200/ 20 ohms range
100mA =>2000m / 200m ohm range
Test current accuracy ±0.1%
Protection fuses Mains = 0.5A, HBC, 5 x 20mm, DIN
Current = 0.5A, HBC, 5 x 20mm, DIN
Voltage = 0.5A, HBC, 5 x 20mm, DIN
Maximum output
Voltage (C1-C2) 20V

What’s Included :

  • MO-100
  • Test leads
  • Shoulder belt
  • 8 x 1.5 V (AA) batteries

Video :



Amprobe MO-100 Datasheet

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