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Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer

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Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer

Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer

Amprobe IR-750, termometer inframerah rasio titik dan jarak 50:1 dengan kinerja presisi, menawarkan akurasi dan waktu respons tak tertandingi dengan rentang pengukuran suhu -58 °F hingga 2822 °F (-50 °C hingga 1550 °C). IR-750 sempurna untuk aplikasi kontrol kualitas dan proses yang menuntut dengan akurasi dan jarak ke titik yang sangat tinggi. IR-750 juga dilengkapi pengenalan 99 titik data, input termokopel, dan pengunduhan USB untuk aplikasi HVAC/R tingkat lanjut, kelistrikan, pemeliharaan industri, otomotif serta pengendalian kualitas dan pencegahan kebakaran.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Amprobe Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Amprobe products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

The Amprobe IR-750, a precision performance 50:1 spot to distance ratio infrared thermometer, offers unparalleled accuracy and response time with a temperature measurement range of -58 °F to 2822 °F (-50 °C to 1550 °C). The IR-750 is perfect for demanding quality and process control applications with extremely high accuracy and distance to spot. The IR-750 also features 99 data points recognition, thermocouple inputs, and USB download for advanced HVAC/R, electrical, industrial maintenance, automotive as well as quality control and fire prevention applications.

Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer 4Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer 2

Features Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer :

  • Check AC units, ventilation, bearings, motors and transformers for overheating, bad electrical connections and fuses
  • 50:1 Distance to Spot Ratio
  • Temp Range of -58 °F to 2822 °F
  • Precision accuracy and rapid response time
  • Laser pointer, backlit dual LCD Display
  • Auto display hold and MAX/MIN memory
  • Adjustable emissivity for measuring a variety of materials
  • 99 memory locations and PC download cable included

Specifications Amprobe IR-750 Infrared Thermometer :

IR-700 Series Selection Guide IR-708 IR-710 IR-712 IR-720 IR-730 IR-750
Distance to Spot (D:S) 8:1 10:1 12:1 20:1 30:1 50:1
Temperature range 0 °F to 716 °F 0 °F to 1022 °F -26 °F to 1922 °F -26 °F to 2282 °F -58 °F to 2822 °F
Best accuracy ±2% ±1.8%
Emissivity 0.95 Adjustable from 0.10 to 1.00
Display resolution 0.1°C / 0.1°F 0.1°C / 0.1°F of reading < 999.9
MIN/MAX memory
DIF/AVG temperature display
Tripod mount
Programmable high and low alarm
USB interface
Built in memory 99
K-Type thermocouple

What’s Included :

  • IR-750
  • Battery (installed)
  • Carrying case
  • K-type thermocouple
  • USB cable and Software CD



Amprobe IR-750 Datasheet

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