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American Marine ORP Monitor Pinpoint

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American Marine ORP Monitor Pinpoint

American Marine ORP Monitor Pinpoint

PINPOINT® ORP Monitor akan mengukur ORP (potensi reduksi oksidasi, atau REDOX) sistem Anda. Ini populer di kalangan mereka yang menggunakan gas ozon atau kalium permanganat sebagai zat oksidasi buatan di air tawar atau air asin. Ini juga populer untuk pengukuran air kaya hidrogen. Pemantauan ORP secara terus-menerus berguna untuk mengawasi kesehatan sistem secara keseluruhan, karena penurunan ORP sering kali mendahului indikasi masalah secara visual atau lainnya.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung ORP Meter Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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American Marine ORP Monitor Pinpoint

ORP Monitor Pinpoint by AMERICAN MARINE
ORP Meter merk ini sudah sangat dikenal performanya untuk mengukur ORP air
Kualitas dan durabilitas sangat baik di kelasnya
Produk ini termasuk langka / sulit dicari di Indonesia

PINPOINT® ORP Monitor will measure the ORP (oxidation-reduction potential, or REDOX) of your system. It is popular with those who use ozone gas or potassium permanganate as an artificial oxidation agent in fresh or saltwater. It is also popular for measurement of hydrogen rich water. Constant monitoring of the ORP is useful in keeping tabs on the overall health of a system, as a drop in ORP often precedes visual or other indications of trouble. This unit features a 1mV digital resolution and a platinum sensor electrode. This is a full range REDOX/ORP instrument (–2000 to +2000 mV)

Given proper care, the PINPOINT® ORP Monitor should last a lifetime
PINPOINT® ORP Probe comes with a 10 foot high supression cable and a BNC connector
Powered by a standard 9-volt battery (not included)

Apa itu ORP ? / What is ORP?

In the world that surrounds us, we do not see it, but there is a continuous exchange of electrons that takes place between substances in the air, in the earth, in water, and in our bodies. This phenomenon is known as ion exchange.

In an effort to reach a state of stability, substances that are lacking electrons are desperately seeking out electrons wherever they can: these substances are referred to as oxidizing agents. On the contrary, substances which have a surplus of electrons are capable of donating their extra electrons: these substances are referred to as reducing agents, or anti-oxidizing agents.

Oxidation-reduction potential, or ORP, is a measurement that indicates the degree to which a substance is capable of oxidizing or reducing another substance. ORP is measured in millivolts (mv) using an ORP meter.

A positive (+) ORP reading indicates that a substance is an oxidizing agent. The higher the reading, the more oxidizing it is. As such, a substance with an ORP reading of +400 mv is 4 times more oxidizing than a substance with an ORP reading of +100 mv.
A negative (-) ORP reading indicates that a substance is a reducing agent. The lower the reading, the more anti-oxidizing it is. As such, a substance with an ORP reading of -400 mv is 4 times more anti-oxidizing than a substance with an ORP reading of -100 mv.

Most types of water, including tap water and bottled water, are oxidizing agents as their ORP value is positive.

Alkaline ionized water is an anti-oxidizing agent, as it has a negative ORP value and it is able to donate extra electrons to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on the body. Most other types of water are oxidizing agents as their ORP is positive.

The following video explains ORP and shows the ORP level of different kinds of water.
source: Aqua Health Product

Video Penjelasan ORP :

Note :

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American Marine ORP Monitor Pinpoint Datasheet

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