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Alinco DR-CS10

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Alinco DR-CS10

Alinco DR-CS10

Alinco DR-CS10 dalam paket ultra kompaknya dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur berteknologi tinggi. Pengoperasian DR-CS10 yang mudah dan lancar mewarisi rangkaian peralatan radio populer Alinco seperti layar & mikrofon dengan lampu latar besar, transmisi/penerimaan audio yang luar biasa, memori 200ch, pemindaian ganda, dan banyak lagi tanpa biaya tambahan.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Alinco Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Alinco DR-CS10

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Alinco products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Alinco DR-CS10 in its ultra compact package is equipped with high-tech features. The easy and smooth operation of the DR-CS10 inherits from Alinco’s popular radio equipment series such as large back-lit display & microphone, excellent audio transmit/receive, 200ch memory, multiple scans, and much more at no additional cost.

Features Alinco DR-CS10 :

  • Selectable output power 60W / 25W / 10W
  • PC Programmable 200 CH
  • Alphanumeric name tag
  • Wide range of built-in selective calling features; 2-Tone, 5-Tone, 51 CTCSS, 1024 DCS, 4 Tone-burst tone and DTMF/ANI decode
  • Radio Stun / Kill / Restart function to protect your communication safety
  • Large, bright LCD and easy-to-operate backlit microphone button
  • Multi-function microphpne allows direct frequency entry & remote control
  • Multiple scan modes, Key Lock, Wide/Narrow Operation and more.

Spesifikasi Alinco DR-CS10 :

Frequensi Range 136.000 – 173.9975 MHz
Number Of Channels 200 channels
Channel Spacing
25KHz (wide mode)
20KHz (middle mode)
12.5KHz (narrow mode)
Channel step
2.5 KHz, 5KHz, 6.25KHz, 8.33KHz, 10KHz,
12.5KHz, 15KHz, 20KHz, 30KHz, 50KHz
Operating Voltage 13,8V DC ±15%
Squelch Carrier / CTCSS / DCS / 5 Tone / 2 Tone / DTMF
Frequency Stability ±2.5ppm
Operating Temperature -20ºC~+60ºC
Dimensions 145 (W) x 35 (H) x 180 (D) mm approx.
Weight Weight approx. 0.9 kg
Wide Mode Narrow Mode
Sensitivity (12 dB Sinad) ≤0.25μV ≤0.35μV
Adjacent Channel Selectivity ≥70dB ≥60dB
Inter Modulations ≥65dB ≥60dB
Spurious Rejection ≥70dB ≥70dB
Audio Response +1~-3dB (0.3~3KHz) +1~-3dB (0.3~2.55KHz)
Hum & Noise ≥45dB ≥40dB
Audio Distortion ≤5%
Audio Power Output >2W@10%
Wide Mode Narrow Mode
Power Output 60W / 25W / 10W
Modulation 16KϕF3E 11KϕF3E
Adjacent Channel Power ≥70dB ≥60dB
Hum & Noise ≥40dB ≥36dB
Spurious Emission ≥60dB ≥60dB
Audio Respon +1~-3dB (0.3~3KHz) +1~-3dB (0.3~2.55KHz)
Audio Distortion ≤5%
Current Drain (Max) 10A (TX) / 0.6A (RX)

Accessories :

  • Bracket
  • Kabel DC/Power
  • Microphone.



Alinco DR-CS10 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Alinco Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

Dalam pengiriman produk yang pelanggan beli, sebelumnya sudah kami cek untuk memastikan produk dalam keadaan baik dan siap kirim.