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Alinco DJ-A41

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Alinco DJ-A41

Alinco DJ-A41

Alinco DJ-A41 adalah HT asli Jepang yang dirancang sesuai dengan kepuasan pelanggan dan beroperasi selama bertahun-tahun dalam penggunaan normal. Sebelum mengoperasikannya, harap membaca buku manual yang telah disediakan dari halaman pertama hingga halaman terakhir, untuk mempelajari semua fitur yang ditawarkan. Jika Anda hanya membaca satu bagian saja, mungkin Anda belum memahami penjelasan fitur-fiturnya secara lengkap. Ada banyak stasiun radio yang beroperasi pada rentang frekuensi yang dicakup oleh radio ini. Berhati-hatilah agar tidak mengganggu transmisi di sekitar stasiun radio.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Alinco Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

Whatsapp :  0821 3010 0456
Email : [email protected]


Alinco DJ-A41

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Alinco products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Alinco DJ-A41 is a genuine Japanese HT which is designed according to customer satisfaction and operates for years under normal use. Before operating, please read the manual that has been provided from the first page to the last, to learn about all the features offered. If you only read one section, maybe you won’t understand the full explanation of its features. There are many radio stations operating on the frequency ranges covered by this radio. Be careful not to interfere with transmissions in the vicinity of the radio station.

Fitur Alinco DJ-A41 :

  • Selection Output power selectable 5W / 2W / 0.5W
  • 128 PC programmable Channels (16ch x 8 groups)
  • Voice Compander (reduces Noise & improves audio clarity)
  • Scramble Inversion (Analog Encryption)
  • Sub-tone (CTCSS/DCS) Encode/Decode and DTMF
  • VOX is installed

Spesifikasi Alinco DJ-A41 :

Frequency coverage 400-470MHz
Mode F3E(16K0F3E / 11K0F3E )
Programmable channels 128 channels
Frequency stability ±2.5ppm
Power supply requirement 7.4V DC±20% (negative ground)
Current drain (Approx.) 1400mA TX / 300mA receive at Max audio output / 70 mA squelched
Usable temperature range – 20— +55°C(-4—131 °F)
Dimensions (Projections not included/approx.) 59.0Wx98.0Hx35.0D mm or 2.32Wx3.86Hx1.38D inches
Antenna length 145mm
Weight approx.227g or 8.01oz inclusive of battery pack and antenna
Output power Approx. 5 / 2 / 0.5W
Modulation system Variable reactance FM
Spurious emissions Less than —36dBm
Max. frequency deviation ±5kHz / ±2.5kHz
Receive system Double conversion superheterodyne
Intermediate frequencies 38.85MHz
Sensitivity(12dB SINAD Wide/Narrow) – 12dBM or better(0.25pV/0.35pV) or better
Selectivity – 6dB : Wide 12kHz /Narrow 10kHz or more
– 60dB : Wide 30kHz / Narrow 24kHz or less
Audio output power 1000n1W(10% distortion)

Dilengkapi dengan :

  • Dekstop charger
  • Belt clip
  • Battery pack
  • Antenna
  • Manual book

Video :



Alinco DJ-A41 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Alinco Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

Dalam pengiriman produk yang pelanggan beli, sebelumnya sudah kami cek untuk memastikan produk dalam keadaan baik dan siap kirim.