Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Aditeg Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.
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CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Aditeg products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..
Provide available electrical components and interconnect in different configurations.
Acquire the basic knowledge on electrical engineering, installations and electrical measurements.
Study the means to check the main laws and principles.
Component symbols and electrical diagrams are represented on the front panel.
The symbols and electrical diagrams of each component are clearly represented on the front panel.
The connections are eased by 4mm terminals and cables of different colors.
The power supplies are included with extra low safety voltage.
AC V and AC A measurements
Diode insertion with different configurations Half-wave rectifier, Full-wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, Voltage doublers
DC V and DC A measurements
Insertion of resistances with different configurations Resistance measurements, Checking the Ohm’s law, Series resistors, voltage divider, Parallel resistors, current divider, series and parallel resistors, max. power transfer, Kirchhoff’s principle, superimposition principle, Thevenin’s theorem
Power measurements DC power measurement, Joule’s law, AC
Insertion of capacitors with different configurations Charge and discharge of a DC capacitor, series DC capacitors, parallel DC capacitors
Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Aditeg. Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.
CV. Syariftama Global Indonesia berdiri sejak tahun 2017 merupakan online store yang menyediakan GPS, Alat Ukur & Alat Lab, Survey Pemetaan, Komunikasi dan Drone. Silahkan berbelanja dengan aman dan nyaman. Anda juga bisa langsung datang ke toko kami.