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A2051 ScaUT Scanner-Flaw Detector

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A2051 ScaUT Scanner-Flaw Detector

The A2051 ScaUT system consists of two multi-element antenna arrays to transmit and receive the ultrasonic waves, and a Digital Focusing Aperture (DFA) algorithm designed to maximize the ultrasonic sensitivity of the system to identify flaws, classify flaw types and to determine the equivalent cross-sectional area and complete inspection of the weld bead.


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A2051 ScaUT Scanner-Flaw Detector

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The A2051 ScaUT system consists of two multi-element antenna arrays to transmit and receive the ultrasonic waves, and a Digital Focusing Aperture (DFA) algorithm designed to maximize the ultrasonic sensitivity of the system to identify flaws, classify flaw types and to determine the equivalent cross-sectional area and complete inspection of the weld bead.

Provides constant acoustic contact with a low-flow rate capable of inspecting no less than ten lineal meters of weld with a single tank of coupling material. The constant flow of coupling material is provided through the built-in injectors in the antenna array.

The laser-optic channel continuously measures the position of the antenna arrays relative to the axis of the weld.

The A2051 ScaUT system consists of two multi-element antenna arrays to transmit and receive the ultrasonic waves, and a Digital Focusing Aperture (DFA) algorithm designed to maximize the ultrasonic sensitivity of the system to identify flaws, classify flaw types and to determine the equivalent cross-sectional area and complete inspection of the weld bead.

Provides constant acoustic contact with a low-flow rate capable of inspecting no less than ten lineal meters of weld with a single tank of coupling material. The constant flow of coupling material is provided through the built-in injectors in the antenna array.

The laser-optic channel continuously measures the position of the antenna arrays relative to the axis of the weld.
A magnetic wheel, powered by the internal motor provides safe traversing along the 360° path of the exterior surface of the pipe.

A 3D inclinometer sensor and the built-in “GLONASS Galileo” global positioning system (GPS) provides georeferencing of the collected data.

Complete remote control capabilities of the system via a Bluetooth platform allows watching out for the process of inspection in loud areas and controlling the movement of the scanner.

Compliance with local inspection protocols with the list of detected flaws are shown in the integrated built-in display.,

The Lithium-ferrous-polymer built-in battery provides continuous power for four hours with a single 15-minute recharge cycle.

Ultrasonic flaw detector - А2051 ScaUT - ACS - autonomous / wheel-mounted /  digital


The use of the A2051 ScaUT Scanner System is intended to automate complex weld inspections of steel/metal structures with a varying thickness between 4 to 40 mm and with a minimum radius of curvature (to exterior face) of 300 mm.

Ultrasonic testing provides the ability to measure the thickness of the test sample or structure in addition to the ability to detect and classify internal flaws in welds such as: pores, lack of fusion and incomplete penetration, slag inclusions, cracks, cuts and internal delaminations near the weld zone, etc.

The Laser-optic method provides the ability to measure the weld edge offset, the size and the reinforcement bead profile, and external flaws next to the weld zone.

The main field application for the A2051 ScaUT system is for the inspection, industrial inspection and certification of pipelines.

Specifications A2051 ScaUT Scanner-Flaw Detector

Sensitivity to flaws along the welding bead from 0,5 sq. mm
Measuring accuracy of geometry along the weld bead 0,2 mm
Scanning speed 2 m/min
Thickness range from 4 to 40 mm
Coupling material – tank capacity 1 L
Minimum radius of curvature (to exterior face) from 300 mm
Material velocity range from 1 000 to 9 999 m/s
Operation time 4 h
System dimensions 415х166х146 mm
Weight 10 kg
Operating temperature range from – 20 to +50 ºC


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Acoustic Control Systems (ACS). Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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