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Eutech PH 2700 Benchtop pH Meter with Temperature

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Eutech PH 2700 Benchtop pH Meter with Temperature

Eutech PH 2700 Benchtop pH Meter with Temperature

  • Kalibrasi hingga 6 titik dengan pengenalan buffer otomatis
  • Diagnosis elektroda yang cepat dan mudah dengan beberapa kemiringan pH dan tampilan offset
  • Memori nonvolatil menampung hingga 500 titik data – diberi cap waktu dan tanggal untuk kepatuhan GLP
  • Kalibrasi dengan hingga 5 buffer pH khusus – gunakan nilai pH apa pun yang berjarak >=1,0 unit pH
  • Fungsi pencatatan otomatis untuk pemantauan berkelanjutan yang mudah
  • Perlindungan kata sandi untuk pengaturan dan kalibrasi


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Eutech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Eutech PH 2700 Benchtop pH Meter with Temperature

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Oversize screen with large fonts yet compact – the new Eutech pH 2700 offers an easy to read screen that says more! View pH or ORP readings, with temperature, electrode status, calibration points, date and time all at once.

  • Up to 6-point calibration with auto-buffer recognition
  • Quick, easy electrode diagnosis with multiple pH slopes and offset display
  • Non-volatile memory holds up to 500 data points – time and date-stamped for GLP compliance
  • Calibrate with up to 5 custom pH buffers – use any pH values that are >=1.0 pH unit apart
  • Cal-due alarm – no more out-dated calibrations!
  • Auto-logging function for convenient continuous monitoring
  • Password protection for setup and calibration


  • Educational
    Useful for most laboratory, ecological studies and other applications
  • Laboratory
    Environmental studies, chemical labs, titrations and quality assurance testing, where GLP
    data-management is required. Use in all types of food processing.

Specifications Eutech PH 2700 Benchtop pH Meter with Temperature :

Product Specification Description
Range -2.000 to 20.000 pH
Resolution 0.1 / 0.01 / 0.001 pH
Accuracy ±0.002 pH + 1 LSD
Cal. Points Up to 6 preset or 5 custom
Buffer Sets USA, NIST, DIN, User 1, User 2, Custom
Range ±2000.0 mV
Rel. mV Range ±2000.0 mV
Resolution 0.1 mV
Accuracy ±0.2 mV
Range (Meter) 0.0 to 100.0 ºC / 32.0 to 212.0 ºF
Resolution 0.1 ºC / 0.1 ºF
Accuracy ±0.3 ºC / ±0.5 ºF
Compensation ATC / MTC
Power Requirements 9 V DC adapter, 1.3 A (100/240 VAC, SMPS)



Eutech PH 2700 Datasheet

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