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ETCR6500 High Accuracy Clamp Leakage Current Meter

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ETCR6500 High Accuracy Clamp Leakage Current Meter

ETCR6500 High Accuracy Clamp Leakage Current Meter

ETCR6500 Pengukur Arus Bocor Jepit Akurasi Tinggi cocok untuk mengukur arus AC dan arus bocor di bawah 600V, rentang: 0,00mA~300,0A, ukuran CT: 35mm x 40mm, inti besi mengadopsi teknologi pelindung magnetik, hampir tidak terpengaruh oleh medan magnet eksternal, kemampuan anti-interferensi yang kuat. Sangat cocok untuk pengukuran arus kecil dengan akurasi tinggi, mengadopsi pengukuran arus non-kontak, pengoperasian yang aman dan sederhana. Instrumen ini berukuran kecil, akurasi tinggi, kinerja stabil dan fungsi sempurna, yang merupakan salah satu alat yang diperlukan untuk inspeksi dan pemeliharaan keselamatan teknisi listrik.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung ETCR Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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ETCR6500 High Accuracy Clamp Leakage Current Meter

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of ETCR products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

ETCR6500 High Accuracy Clamp Leakage Current Meter suitable for measuring AC current and leakage current below 600V, range: 0.00mA~300.0A, CT size: 35mm x 40mm, the iron core adopts magnetic shielding technology, almost unaffected by the external magnetic field, strong anti-interference ability. Especially suitable for high accuracy small current measurement, adopt non-contact current measurement, safe and simple operation.The instrument is small size, high accuracy, performance stable and function perfect, which is one of the necessary tools for electrician safety inspection and maintenance..

The instrument with data hold, data storage and other functions, can store 99 groups of data, the instrument connect computer by interface, stotage data can be uploaded to the computer, easy to read, analysis, save, print and so on.

Specification ETCR6500 High Accuracy Clamp Leakage Current Meter :

Technical Parameters

Function Description
Model ETCR6500
Range 0.00mA~300.0A
Resolution 10uA
CT Size 35mm×40mm
Meter Size 184×70×37mm
Meter Weight 250g
Function Measurement of AC leakage current, AC current and on-line AC current.
Power Supply Alkaline dry battery 6LR61 9V
Test Mode Clamp CT, integration method
Display Mode 4 digits LCD display
LCD Dimension 35mm×21.5mm;display area:32mm×15mm
Sampling Rate about 2 times/s
Frequency Automatic identification 50Hz/60Hz
Shift Automatically
below 70%RH)
 0~59A:          ±1.5%±5dgt
 60A~199A:       ±2%±5dgt
 200A~300A:      ±4%±5dgt
Line Voltage Line measurement below DC 600V
Communication Interface With USB interface, storage data can be uploaded to computer, software monitoring
Data Storage 99units, display FULL symbol indicate storage full
Peak Hold Peak capture and hold function, long press HOLD key and not release can display peak value in measurement.
Data Hold Data hold function: DH symbol display
Overflow display Exceed measure range overflow function: OL symbol display
Auto Shut Down 5 Minutes after power on, the meter shuts down automatically without any operation to reduce battery consumption
Battery Voltage While battery voltage decreases to around 7.2V, will display low battery voltage symbol“    ”, and remind to replace the battery
Working Current 5mA
Working Temperature  0℃ ~ 40℃,below 80%rh
Storage Temperature  -10℃ ~60℃,below 80%rh
Insulating Strength AC2KV/rms (between the core and outside shell)
Suitable Safety Standard IEC1010-1、IEC1010-2-032、pollution, etc 2、CAT Ⅲ(600V)



ETCR6500 Datasheet

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