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AZ Instrument AZ-8695 Flat Surface pH Meter

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AZ Instrument AZ-8695 Flat Surface pH Meter

AZ Instrument AZ-8695 Flat Surface pH Meter

AZ-8695 pH Meter memiliki probe pH sepanjang 12,5 cm dengan elektroda permukaan datar, yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam wadah dengan ukuran bukaan sempit dengan mudah dibandingkan pH Meter lainnya. Ini memiliki fungsi IP65 tahan air, dan dapat mengukur nilai pH dari 2~12 untuk memenuhi berbagai aplikasi Pengujian Kualitas Air.

  • LCD besar dan jernih memberikan tampilan pH dan Suhu waktu nyata
  • Layar ganda dengan ATC


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AZ Instrument AZ-8695 Flat Surface pH Meter

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Application of 8695 AZ Flat Surface Long Tube pH Detector

AZ-8695 pH Meter has 12.5 cm long pH probe with flat surface electrode, which could be inserting to the container with narrow opening size easily than other pH Meter. It has the waterproof IP65 function, and it can measure the pH value from 2~12 to meet different Water Quality Testing applications.

pH sensor electrode of 8695 AZ Flat Surface Long Tube pH Pen is protected/storage in a bottle, which could keep the pH sensor wet. The 8695 AZ Water Pen with Flat Surface pH sensor can be calibrated easily by one touch calibration function.

AZ-8695 Flat Surface Long Tube pH Pen has big and clear LCD to show the real time pH and temperature value. The flat bottom pH electrode of 8695 AZ can be met with the water solution pH measuring purposes of skin, surface, agar plate, food, paper, leather or mat Industry testing object.

AZ-8695 Flat Surface Long Tube pH Pen was being designed and manufactured by AZ Instrument, a well experienced manufacturer for Environmental Measuring Instrument.

Features AZ Instrument AZ-8695 Flat Surface pH Meter :

  • IP65 Waterproof housing
  • 12.5 cm long pH probe
  • Big and clear LCD provide real time pH and Temperature display
  • Dual display with ATC
  • Measuring stability indicator
  • One touch for auto-calibration up to 3 points
  • Calibration values are adjustable
  • Hold function to freeze the current reading
  • Compact size, easy to fit in pocket
  • Low battery indicator
  • Auto power off
  • C/F unit switchable
  • Power by 2 pcs CR2032 batteries
  • Storage bottle to keep pH sensor wet & last life time

Specifications AZ Instrument AZ-8695 Flat Surface pH Meter :

Model 8695
pH Measuring Range 2.00~12.00
pH Accuracy ±0.1
pH Resolution 0.01
Temperature Measuring Range 0~60.0℃
Temperature Accuracy ±1℃
Temperature Resolution 0.5℃
pH Electrode Material PC
Reference Single Ag/AgCl
Junction / Flow Rate Ceramic
Electrolyte Gel. 3.3 M KCl
pH Sensor Tip Shape Flat Surface
pH Probe Diameter 12 mm
pH Probe Length 125 mm
pH Calibration Up to 3 points
LCD Size 29(L) * 22.5(W) mm
Operating Temperature 0~80℃
Operating RH% Humidity <80%
Storage Temperature -10~50℃
Storage RH% Humidity <90%
Sensor Life Time >6 months (with good maintenance)
Meter Size 94(L) * 36(W) * 20(H) mm
Weight ~115g
Battery CR2032 *2 PCS



AZ Instrument AZ-8695 Datasheet

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