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Alinco DR-B185

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Alinco DR-B185

Alinco DR-B185

Radio Rig Alinco DR B185 atau Radio Mobile / Radio Base Station ALINCO DR-B185 merupakan radio base Dual Band keluaran dari Brand ALINCO. Radio tersebut, memiliki Fitur yang Baik.

  • Fungsi pemindaian termasuk mode DCS/CTCSS/Priority/Group dan timer/sibuk
  • Mode FM Lebar dan Sempit
  • Enkode dan dekode 39 nada CTCSS/DCS/2 nada


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Alinco Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Alinco DR-B185

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Features Alinco DR-B185 :

Scanning functions including DCS/CTCSS/Priority/Group and timer/busy modes
Wide and Narrow FM modes
39 tone CTCSS/DCS/2-tone encode and decode
HIGH/LOW power setting
Offset direction and frequency variable
Keypad lockout/Reverse function
Alphanumeric tag/Display dimmer
Automatic illumination brightness
DTMF TX speed, pause and monitoring features
S-METER squelch
Multifunctional microphone with keypads (HT Only)
Cable cloning and Free utility software (an optional PC cable required)

Specifications Alinco DR-B185 :

Frequency coverage DR-B185HT TX:144.000 – 147.995MHz
RX:136.000 – 173.995MHz
DR-B185HE TX/RX:144.000 – 145.995MHz
Operating mode 16k0F3E (FM/wide)/11k0F3E (FM/narrow)
Antenna impedance 50ohm unbalanced
Frequency stability +/- 2.5ppm
Power supply requirement 13.8V DC +/- 15% (11.7 to 15.8V DC)
Ground method Negative ground
Current drain Receiver: 1.0A (max.) / Transmit: 20A
Operating temperature -10digC to +60digC (+14digF to 140digF)
Dimensions (w/o projection) 164 x 44 x 183.6 mm
6.44 x 1.73 x 7.21 inches
Weight 1.5Kgs / 3.31lbs
Power Output 85W High / 5W Low
Modulation system FM: Reactance modulation
Spurious emission Less than -50dB
Unwanted sideband More than 50dB(1KHz)
Maximum FM deviation +/- 2.5 KHz
Receive system Double-conversion superheterodyne
Sensitivity Wide: Less than 0.25uV, Narrow: Less than 0.25uV
Intermediate frequency 1st IF 45.1MHz, 2nd IF 450 KHz
Adjacent Channel Selectivity Wide: More than 70dB, Narrow: More than 60dB
Spurious and image rejection ratio More than 65dB
Audio output power More than 2.0W(8ohm 10%THD)



Alinco DR-B185 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Alinco Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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