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AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter

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AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter

AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter

AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter merupakan sebuah perangkat alat ukur yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengukuran terhadap kadar udara pada bahan-bahan seperti bahan serat kayu, artikel kayu, obat tradisional Cina, tembakau, kertas kapas, bangunan, tanah dan bahan-bahan serat lainnya .

  • Mudah digunakan dan desain sederhana
  • Probe yang sensitif akan membuat respon pengukuran cepat
  • Hasil pengukuran kelembaban bahan ini akan ditampilkan pada layar LCD alat ini


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AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter

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AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter is a measuring device that can be used to measure the moisture content of materials such as wood fiber materials, wood articles, traditional Chinese medicine, tobacco, cotton paper, buildings, soil and other fiber materials . This measuring device is equipped with an LCD screen so that it can make it easier for users to see measurement results very clearly and accurately.

Tools like this are often the mainstay for furniture craftsmen who pay great attention to the quality of the wood used in the manufacture of their products. Because the moisture content in wood is one of the important parameters for determining the quality of wood, this tool is the right solution to do the job.

Features AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter :

  • Easy to use and simple design
  • A sensitive probe will make the measurement response fast
  • The results of measuring the humidity of this material will be displayed on the LCD screen of this tool
  • Ease of use operation buttons

Specifications AMTAST MC-7806 Moisture Meter :

LCD display 4 digits, 10mm LCD
Water content measurement range 0 – 50%
Temperature measurement range -10 – 65°C (14 – 122°F)
Resolution 0.1
Moisture Content ±(0.5% n + 1)
Temperature ±0.8°C
Operating Temperature 0°C – 50°C or 32°F – 122°F
Operating Humidity Below 85%RH
Power Source 4 x AA alkaline batteries (included)
Dimensions 178 (W) x 68 (W) x 39 (D) mm
Weight 190 grams (not including battery)



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