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Sanfix SFG-205 DDS Function Generator

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Sanfix SFG-205 DDS Function Generator

Sanfix SFG-205 DDS Function Generator

Sanfix SFG-205 Function Generator dapat menghasilkan frekuensi hingga 200MHz yang dapat kita sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kita. Selain mengatur Frekuensi, kita juga bisa mengatur waveform, DC Offset dan Duty Cycle.
Function Generator atau Generator Fungsi adalah alat uji elektronik yang dapat menghasilkan berbagai bentuk gelombang.
Bentuk gelombang yang dapat dihasilkan oleh Function Generator antara lain bentuk gelombang sinus, gelombang persegi, gelombang gigi gergaji, gelombang segitiga dan gelombang pulsa.
Fungsi ini sedikit berbeda dengan RF Signal Generator atau Audio Signal Generator yang umumnya hanya berfokus pada pembangkitan gelombang sinus.


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Sanfix SFG-205 DDS Function Generator

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The Sanfix SFG-205 Function Generator can generate frequencies up to 200MHz which we can adjust according to our needs. Apart from setting the Frequency, we can also set the waveform, DC Offset and Duty Cycle.

Function Generator or Function Generator is an electronic test tool that can generate various waveforms.

The waveforms that can be generated by the Function Generator include sine waveforms, square waves, sawtooth waves, triangular waves and pulse waves.

This function is slightly different from the RF Signal Generator or Audio Signal Generator which generally only focuses on generating a sine waveform.

Main Functions of Sanfix SFG-205 DDS Function Generator :

DC Offset is used to change the average voltage on the signal relative to 0V or Ground.

Whereas what is meant by duty cycle is the comparison of the time when the signal reaches the ON condition and when it reaches the OFF condition in one signal period.

In other words, Duty Cycle is the ratio of the length of time the ON condition and the OFF condition of a signal in each period. Duty Cycle adjustment function to change the ratio of the highest voltage to the lowest voltage in a square wave signal.

Specifications Sanfix SFG-205 DDS Function Generator :

  • 2 output channels
  • LCD screen
  • Sampling rate 100MSa/s, vertical resolution 8 bits
  • Waveform length 1024 points
  • 32 built-in waveforms
  • 40 sets save & recal settings panel
  • Modulations: FM, FSK, ASK, PSK
  • Frequency sweep, amplitude sweep, burst, TTL output
  • 200MHz frequency counter
  • Optional parts: RS-232 interface, power amplifier



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