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CEM DT-812 Infrared Thermometer

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CEM DT-812 Infrared Thermometer

CEM DT-812 Infrared Thermometer

810/810B/811/812 Series Low cost mini IR Thermometers provides non-contact temperature measurements: Food preparation, Safety and Fire inspectors, Plastic molding, Asphalt, Marine and Screen Printing, Measure ink and dryer temperature, Diesel and Fleet maintenance. Targeting objects become easy with the bright laser beam. Even in the dark, the display is easy to read with the quality backlit.


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CEM DT-812 Infrared Thermometer

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810/810B/811/812 Series Low cost mini IR Thermometers provides non-contact temperature measurements: Food preparation, Safety and Fire inspectors, Plastic molding, Asphalt, Marine and Screen Printing, Measure ink and dryer temperature, Diesel and Fleet maintenance. Targeting objects become easy with the bright laser beam. Even in the dark, the display is easy to read with the quality backlit

-Unique flat surface, mini modern housing design
-Temperature measurements from -50.0ºC to 500ºC/-58.0ºF to 932ºF (812)
-Backlighting illuminates display for taking measurements at night or in areas with low background light levels
-Max / Min record
-User selectable ºC or ºF
-Overrange indication
-Auto Data Hold when trigger released


  • Cooling and Reheating
  • Serving areas
  • Food service Equipment
  • Cold storage

Features CEM DT-812 Infrared Thermometer

Features DT-810 DT-810B DT-811 DT-812
User selectable ºC or ºF * * * *
Laser targeting * * * *
Automatic Data Hold * * * *
Auto Power Off * * * *
White Backlit LCD Display * * * *
Overrange indication * * * *
Max / Min record * * * *

Size (H x W x D) : 131mm x 96mm x 35mm
Weight : 130g

Specification CEM DT-812 Infrared Thermometer

Specifications DT-810 DT-810B DT-811 DT-812
Range -30ºC to 260ºC/ -22ºF to 500ºF -50ºC to 500ºC/

-58ºF to 932ºF

-30ºC to 380ºC/ -22ºF to 716ºF -50ºC to 500ºC/ -58ºF to 932ºF
Basic Accuracy ±2% of reading or ±2ºC/±4ºF
Resolution 0.1ºC/ºF
Response Time Less than 1 second
Optical Resolution 8:1 Distance to Spot size
Emissivity Fixed at 0.95


CEM DT-812 – Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung CEM Instruments Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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