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Amprobe SM-10 Sound Level Meter

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Amprobe SM-10 Sound Level Meter

Amprobe SM-10 Sound Level Meter

Pengukur Suara Amprobe SM-10-A telah dirancang untuk memeriksa kepatuhan terhadap peraturan keselamatan dan melakukan analisis akustik oleh insinyur keselamatan, kesehatan, industri, serta kantor keselamatan dan kendali mutu.

  • Rentang frekuensi: 31,5Hz~8KHz
  • Rentang pengukuran: Berat 30 ~ 130dB C Berat 35 ~ 130dB
  • Dirancang untuk memenuhi persyaratan pengukuran keselamatan, kesehatan, kantor keselamatan industri, dan insinyur kendali mutu di berbagai lingkungan
  • Bobot A dan C untuk memeriksa kepatuhan terhadap peraturan keselamatan serta analisis akustik


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Amprobe Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Amprobe SM-10 Sound Level Meter

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Amprobe products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

The Amprobe SM-10-A Sound Meter has been designed to check compliance with safety regulations and perform acoustic analysis by safety engineers, health, industrial and safety offices as well as quality control.

They use two different weighting filters required by the IEC651 and ANSI S1.4 Type 2 for audio filtering. The A weighting is for general noise sound level and the C weighting is for measuring sound level of acoustic material control in various environments (ie 94 dB 1 kHz etc).

Features Amprobe SM-10 Sound Level Meter :

  • Designed to meet the measurement requirements of safety engineers, health, industrial safety offices and quality control in various environments
  • A and C weightings for checking compliance with safety regulations as well as acoustic analysis
  • Measuring ranges: A weighting 30 ~130dB C weighting 35~130dB
  • Frequency range: 31.5Hz~8KHz
  • Display with 0.1dB steps on a 4 digits LCD
  • Slow (1 sec) and fast (125ms) response settings to check peak and average noise levels
  • Max/min recording
  • Data Hold to freeze reading on digital display
  • Accessories supplied: carrying case, user manual and 9 V battery (installed)
  • CE, designed to meet IEC651 type2, ANSI S1.4 type2

Specifications Amprobe SM-10 Sound Level Meter :

Features SM-10 SM-20A
Microphone 1/2 Electret condenser microphone
Standard applied IEC 651 Type 2, ANSI 1.4 Type 2
Dynamic range 50 dB
Time weighting FAST (125 mS), SLOW (1 sec)
Frequency range 31.5 Hz → 8 kHz
Measuring level range (Auto Range) A-Weighting: 30 dB → 130 dB
C-Weighting: 35 dB → 130 dB
Data Data hold Min/max
Internal memory 14,000 records
Display 4 digits LCD
Microphone 1/2 inch electret condenser microphone
Power supply 9V NEDA 1604, IEC 6F22, JIS 006P battery
Auto power off Approx. 5 min
Environment Indoor operation, < 2000 m
Standard applied IEC 651 Type 2, ANSI 1.4 Type 2
Dynamic range 50 dB
Resolution 0.1 dB, Display update: 0.5 sec.
Time weighting FAST(125mS), SLOW(1 sec)
Frequency range 31.5 Hz to 8 kHz

What’s Included :

  • SM-10
  • Carrying case
  • 9 V battery (installed)



Amprobe SM-10 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Amprobe Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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