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Brunton 5010 GEO Pocket Transit Compass

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Brunton 5010 GEO Pocket Transit Compass

Brunton 5010 GEO Pocket Transit Compass

  • Adjustable needle locking mechanism.
  • Hinge clinometer with 1 increments for 1/2 readable dip measurements.
  • Two long-level bubbles on the outside of the aluminum housing for no guess leveling from the sides or the bottom.


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Brunton 5010 GEO Pocket Transit Compass

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A universal mapping tool. The Geo Transit features a mirrored lid that allows for measuring dip angle and dip azimuth at the same time. Great for international data collection!

Features Brunton 5010 GEO Pocket Transit Compass :

  • Adjustable needle locking mechanism.
  • Hinge clinometer with 1 increments for 1/2 readable dip measurements.
  • Two long-level bubbles on the outside of the aluminum housing for no guess leveling from the sides or the bottom.
  • Cover hinge assembly designed for increased durability.
  • Buck Horn style sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles.
  • Single NdFeB magnet resists demagnetization better than any other type of magnet.
  • Azimuth accuracy +/- 1/2 with 1 graduations.
  • Vertical angle accuracy +/- 1/2 with 1 graduations and 10 minute vernier.
  • Vertical angle measurements to +/- 90 or 100% grade.
  • Percent grade scale with increments of 5%
  • Induction dampened needle for quick, accurate readings.
  • Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement.
  • Magnetic declination adjustment allows for east or west declination settings to +/- 180
  • Precision aligned mirror with convenient see-through sighting capability.
  • Aluminum billet body assembly makes the GEO nearly indestructible.
  • 6061-T6 hard anodized aluminum body for permanent color and scratch resistance.
  • Ball & socket tripod mount is centered for increased accuracy of rotation.
  • O-rings make the GEO Waterproof for increased reliability.
  • Leather case included.
  • Overall dimensions: 3.8”x2.8”x1.3”



Brunton 5010 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Brunton Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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