Pencatat data Elitech GPS-6 terutama digunakan untuk merekam suhu dan kelembapan makanan, farmasi, dan bahan kimia, dll. Alat ini dapat digunakan secara luas di setiap tautan dalam penyimpanan dan logistik rantai dingin, seperti kontainer berpendingin, truk pendingin, tas pendingin, lemari pendingin, lemari obat, penyimpanan dingin, laboratorium, dll.
Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Elitech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.
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CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of Elitech products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..
Elitech GPS-6 data logger is mainly used to record the temperature and humidity of food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals, etc. It is widely applicable to each link in the storage and logistics of the cold chain, such as refrigerated containers, refrigerator trucks, cooler bags, cooler cabinets, medicine cabinets, cold storage, laboratory, etc.
It can also automatically shorten the recording interval in case of an over-temperature and humidity limit. It will buzzer and the red indicator will flash if it is over the limit.
When you first use the data logger, please install our free data-management software. Once you connect it to your Win/Mac system, the log interval, C/F temperature unit (showed both on report and screen), alarm limits can be adjusted via the USB cable. In addition, data could be saved, graphed, exported, and in Excel/PDF format.
Please download the software here. Plug your device into your computer, go to Parameter to setup, including the device time, C/F temperature unit, logging interval, and alarm upper/lower limit. Go to Graph to see the data graph and click Export Data to get the data report in PDF/XLS formats.
Sensor Type | Temperature Probe | Temperature-Humidity Probe |
Temp(Probe T) + Humi(Probe H) | detecting temperature | detecting humidity |
Temp(Probe T) + Temp(Probe H) | detecting temperature | detecting temperature |
Temp+Humi(Probe H only) | Non-use | temperature and humidity |
Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Elitech Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.
CV. Syariftama Global Indonesia berdiri sejak tahun 2017 merupakan online store yang menyediakan GPS, Alat Ukur & Alat Lab, Survey Pemetaan, Komunikasi dan Drone. Silahkan berbelanja dengan aman dan nyaman. Anda juga bisa langsung datang ke toko kami.