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SHATOX SX-250 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer

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SHATOX SX-250 Portable Octane - Cetane Analyzer

SHATOX SX-250 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer

The instrument can be used together with a PC or laptop through USB interface. Analyzer uses automatic computer-based calibration, saving measured data in the instrument memory with analysis date and time followed by their transfer to the PC (in Microsoft Excel or txt format). The instrument has easy of control attrition and aggressive environments resistive 8-key antiglare keyboard.
The instrument uses the timer microchip, which allows storing measurement results with analysis date and time. These data can also be transmitted to the computer.

SHATOX SX-250 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer

Product Photos
SX-250 portable octane/cetane analyzer - Shatox Октанометр SHATOX SX-250 купить по цене 145000 руб. в Москве Октанометр SHATOX SX-250 купить по цене 145000 руб. в Москве Октанометр SHATOX SX-250 купить по цене 145000 руб. в Москве

New oil products grade analyzer is manufactured on the basis of advanced high precision microprocessor. This model is designed for the operation with fuels and oils. It continues the series “2xx” (fuel and oil quality analysis). Additionally, SX-250 has the mode for determining the purity of mineral and synthetic oils, the mode for measuring dielectric permeability of oil products, as well as the mode for determining water content in diesel.

The instrument can be used together with a PC or laptop through USB interface. Analyzer uses automatic computer-based calibration, saving measured data in the instrument memory with analysis date and time followed by their transfer to the PC (in Microsoft Excel or txt format). The instrument has easy of control attrition and aggressive environments resistive 8-key antiglare keyboard.
The instrument uses the timer microchip, which allows storing measurement results with analysis date and time. These data can also be transmitted to the computer.

Instrument capabilities:

  • Gasoline octane level in compliance with ASTM D 2699-86, ASTM D 2700-86.
  • Diesel fuel cetane level in compliance with ASTM D 4737-03, ASTM D 613, EN ISO 5165.
  • Diesel fuel type and сold filter plugging point (СFPP) (reference parameter).
  • Kerosene percentage in diesel fuel (reference parameter).
  • Gasoline breakdown time (oxidation stability) (reference parameter).
  • Purity level of motor oil.
  • Dielectric permeability of oil products (Eps).
  • Water percentage in diesel.

Specifications SHATOX SX-250 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer : 

Parameter description Measurement units Value
Range of measured gasoline octane level ON 40–135
Acceptable limit of octane number measurement basic error, max ON ± 0.5
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel octane number measurements, max ON ± 0.2
Petrol oxidation breakdown time measurement range min. 50-2400
Acceptable basic error limit of petrol oxidation breakdown time min. 10
Range of measured cetane level CN 20–100
Acceptable basic error limit of cetane numbers, max CN ±1.0
Acceptable difference limit between cetane numbers parallel measurements, max CN ± 0.5
Acceptable error limit when determining diesel-fuel pour point C o ± 5
Kerosene content determination range in diesel fuels % 0-95
Acceptable basic error limit when determining kerosene content in diesel fuels % 3
Range of measured purity of motor oils % 95-100
Acceptable basic error limit when determining purity of motor oils % 0.01
Range of measured dielectric permeability of oil products units 01-Mei
Range of measured water content in diesel % 0-4
Acceptable basic error limit when determining water content in diesel % 0.01
Measurement time sec 1–5
Insufficient power supply indication operation threshold V 5.4
Instrument useful life Years, minimum 6
Overall dimensions of:
     electronic module mm 211x100x45
     sensor #1 mm 60х100
Instrument mass with a sensor gr 680

Delivery package:

  • Electronic computing module
  • Sensor #1
  • Sample imitator
  • Mini-USB cable
  • Operations manual
  • Quick start guide
  • Warranty certificate
  • Tool canvas bag


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