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SHATOX SX-150 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer

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SHATOX SX-150 Portable Octane - Cetane Analyzer

SHATOX SX-150 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer

The SX-150 analyzer is designed for testing fuel quality. It is a small portable device intended for rapid analysis of the quality of oil products in the field and laboratory.
This is the latest generation of fuel analyzers that replaces the SX-200 and is designed on the basis of the SX-300 analyzer.
The SX-150 has an additional final mode for determining the oxidation breakdown time of gasoline and the percentage of kerosene in diesel fuel.
The device can be used in conjunction with a PC or laptop via a USB interface. The SX-150 supports automatic computer calibration. The measurement results, including the date and time of analysis, can be saved in the instrument’s memory and transferred to a PC (in .xlsx or .txt format).

Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer
Type : SX-150
Brand : Shatox
Origin : Russia

SHATOX SX-150 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer

Product Photos
Sx-150 Alat Ukur Oktan Minyak Diesel Portabel Tangan - Cina Meteran octane, Pengujian Kualitas Diesel SHATOX SX-150 ASTM D4737 ASTM D613, Pendeteksi Cepat Octane dan Cetane Meter Portabel SHATOX SX-150 ASTM D4737 ASTM D613, Pendeteksi Cepat Octane dan Cetane Meter Portabel SHATOX SX-150/SX-300 Portable Octane/Cetane Analyzer Oil Tester Oil Quality Tester

The SX-150 analyzer is designed for testing fuel quality. It is a portable small-sized device intended for rapid analysis of oil products quality in field and laboratory conditions.

It is an upgraded generation of fuel analyzers that superseded SX-200 and was designed on the basis of SX-300 analyzer.

SX-150 has additional modes for determining gasoline oxidation breakdown time and kerosene percentage in diesel fuel.

The device can be used together with a PC or a laptop through a USB interface. SX-150 supports the automatic computer-based calibration. Measurement results, including the analysis date and time, can be saved in the instrument memory and transferred to the PC (in .xlsx or .txt format).

SX-150 has an 8-key antiglare keyboard, which is easy for operation, wear-proof and resistant to aggressive environments.

The software for the instrument can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website www.shatox.com in Download section.

Operating conditions: air temperature range from -10°С up to +45°С.

The device is powered from 4 elements of АА type (R6) or from a computer USB port.

Instrument capabilities:

  • Gasoline octane level in compliance with ASTM D 2699-86, ASTM D 2700-86.
  • Diesel fuel cetane level in compliance with ASTM D 4737-03, ASTM D 613, EN ISO 5165.
  • Diesel fuel type and сold filter plugging point (СFPP) (reference parameter).
  • Kerosene percentage in diesel fuel (reference parameter).
  • Gasoline breakdown time (oxidation stability) (reference parameter).

Specification SHATOX SX-150 Portable Octane / Cetane Analyzer : 

Parameter description Measurement units Value
Range of measured gasoline octane level ON 40–135
Acceptable limit of octane number measurement basic error, max ON ± 0.5
Limit of acceptable difference between parallel octane number measurements, max ON ± 0.2
Petrol oxidation breakdown time measurement range min. 50-2400
Acceptable basic error limit of petrol oxidation breakdown time min. 10
Range of measured cetane level CN 20–100
Acceptable basic error limit of cetane numbers, max CN ±1.0
Acceptable difference limit between cetane numbers parallel measurements, max CN ± 0.5
Acceptable error limit when determining СFPP o ± 5
Kerosene content determination range in diesel fuels % 0-95
Acceptable basic error limit when determining kerosene content in diesel fuels % 3
Measurement time sec 1–5
Insufficient power supply indication operation threshold V 5.4
Instrument useful life Years, minimum 6
Overall dimensions of:
     electronic module mm 211x100x45
     sensor #1 mm 60х100
 Instrument mass with a sensor gr 680


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