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Oktis-2 Analyzer Tester Meter Octane Number Portable Tester

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Oktis-2 Analyzer Tester Meter Octane Number Portable Tester

Oktis-2 Analyzer Tester Meter Octane Number Portable Tester

Savings of gaso – how not to make mistakes

In today’s situation of total lack of energy resources, the international financial crisis and the continued growth in fuel prices for the majority of motorists becoming increasingly important such a thing as fuel economy.However, in this regard, many car owners make quite common mistakes

Misperception that need to refuel a little at a time.

In this case, it is almost impossible to save any fuel or the money, because the owner of the car will have more frequent visits to the gas station and, consequently, more pay.

Do not compromise on the fuel.

Oktis-2 Analyzer Tester Meter Octane Number Portable Tester

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OKTIS – determination of the quality of fuel and fuel economy in one unit

OKTIS determines the octane rating of petrol and allows for examination of fuel

Savings of gaso – how not to make mistakes

In today’s situation of total lack of energy resources, the international financial crisis and the continued growth in fuel prices for the majority of motorists becoming increasingly important such a thing as fuel economy.However, in this regard, many car owners make quite common mistakes

Misperception that need to refuel a little at a time.

In this case, it is almost impossible to save any fuel or the money, because the owner of the car will have more frequent visits to the gas station and, consequently, more pay.

Do not compromise on the fuel.


Range of measured octane levels  70  to 110
Minimum quantity of gas required for octane number determination in continuous-flow mode 2 – 5 l

Time required to prepare the meter for operation, sec

Minimum quantity of gas required for octane number determination in sensor immersion mode

not more than 15

80 ml

Power supply voltage  (two AA batteries) 3V
Consumed current not exceeding 100 mА

Operating conditions:

– temperature of checked gasoline

– incumbent temperature

– humidity at 30°С, %

0°С to +50°С

 -10°С to +40°С

  30  to 80

Mass not exceeding 0,36 kg

Complete Unit :

  • Carton
  • Octane number meter
  • User manual
  • Instructions on the removal of deposits
  • Set of spare seals
  • Case
  • AA Battery


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