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Extech IR400 Mini IR Thermometer

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Extech IR400 Mini IR Thermometer

Extech IR400 Mini IR Thermometer

IR400 adalah termometer Kompak yang mampu mengukur hingga 630°F (332°C) dengan penunjuk laser internal yang mengidentifikasi area target dan meningkatkan bidikan. Lampu latar menerangi layar untuk melakukan pengukuran di malam hari atau di area dengan tingkat cahaya latar rendah. Emisivitas tetap 0,95 mencakup 90% aplikasi permukaan. Dilengkapi dengan baterai 9-Volt dan casing.


Produk asli Kami distributor langsung Extech Harga murah. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

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Extech IR400 Mini IR Thermometer

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The IR400 is a Compact thermometer capable of measurements up to 630°F (332°C) with the built-in laser pointer that identifies target area and improves aim. Backlighting illuminates display for taking measurements at night or in areas with low background light levels. Fixed 0.95 emissivity covers 90% of surface applications. Complete with 9-Volt battery and case.

Features Extech IR400 Mini IR Thermometer :

  • Temperature range: -4 to 630°F (-20 to 332°C)
  • 8:1 Field of view (distance to target ratio)
  • Built-in laser pointer that identifies target area and improves aim
  • Automatic Data Hold when trigger released
  • Fixed 0.95 emissivity covers 90% of surface applications
  • Min/Max Hold, Auto power off
  • Complete with 9V battery and case

Specifications Extech IR400 Mini IR Thermometer :

Specifications Range
Range -4 to 630°F (-20 to 332°C)
Basic Accuracy ±2% of reading +4°F/2°C
Max. Resolution 0.1°F/°C
Emissivity 0.95 fixed
Field of View (Distance to Target) 8:1
Dimensions 3.2 x 1.6 x 6.3” (82×41.5x160mm)
Weight 6.3oz (180g)



Extech IR400 Datasheet

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