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UNI-T UT531 Insulation Resistance Multimeter

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UNI-T UT531 Insulation Resistance Multimeter

UNI-T UT531 Insulation Resistance Multimeter

Multimeter isolasi UT531 adalah multimeter RMS sejati, yang mengintegrasikan multimeter digital yang berfungsi penuh dan penguji isolasi digital. Baterai menyuplai daya. RMS dan menyimpan data hingga 99 grup dengan akurasi 0,09% dan tampilan maksimum 6000. Dapat diterapkan untuk menguji semua jenis alat akurat (kabel, motor, dan trafo).


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UNI-T UT531 Insulation Resistance Multimeter

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UT531 insulation multimeter is true RMS multimeter, integrating full functional digital multimeter and digital insulation tester. The batteries supply power. The RMS and stored data are up to 99 groups with accuracy 0.09% and the max display 6000. They are applicable to testing all kinds of accurate tools (cable, motor, and transformer).

Specifications UNI-T UT531 Insulation Resistance Multimeter :

Specifications Range Best Accuracy
Model   UT531 UT533
Insulation Resistance(Ω) Test Voltage 500V/1000V 0%~10%
50V/100V/500V/1000V/2500V 0%~10%
50V 0.1MΩ~50.0MΩ ±(3%+5)
100V 0.1MΩ~100.0MΩ ±(3%+5)
250V 0.2MΩ~99.9MΩ ±(3%+5)
100MΩ~250MΩ ±(3%+5)
500V 0.5MΩ~99.9MΩ ±(3%+5) ±(3%+5)
100MΩ~500MΩ ±(3%+5) ±(3%+5)
1000V 4.0MΩ~99.9MΩ ±(3%+5) ±(3%+5)
100MΩ~600MΩ ±(3%+5)
100MΩ~999MΩ ±(3%+5)
1.00GΩ~2.00GΩ ±(5%+5)
Short-Circuit Current <2mA
Multimeter Specifications
DC Voltage (V) 60mV/600mV/6V/60V/600V/1000V ±(0.3%+4) ±(0.3%+4)
AC Voltage(50Hz~1KHz) 6V/60V/600V/1000V ±(1%+3) ±(1%+3)
DC Current (A) 60mA/600mA ±(1.0%+2) ±(1.0%+2)
AC Current(50Hz~1KHz) 60mA/600mA ±(1.5%+2) ±(1.5%+2)
Resistance (Ω) 600Ω/6KΩ/60KΩ/600KΩ/6MΩ/40MΩ ±(0.9%+2) ±(0.9%+2)
Capacitance (F) 10nF/100nF/1μF/10μF/100μF ±(3%+5) ±(3%+5)
Frequency (Hz) 60Hz/600Hz/6KHz/60KHz/600KHz/1MHz ±(0.1%+3) ±(0.1%+3)
Temperature (°C) -40°C ~ 537°C ±(1%+10)
Temperature (°F) -40°F~998°F ±(1%+18)
Display Count 6000 6000
Auto Range
True RMS
Auto Power Off
Continuity Buzzer
Low Battery Indication
Data Hold
Data Logging 99 99
LCD Backlight
Full Icon Display
General Characteristic 
Power 1.5V Alkaline Batteries(LR6)×6
LCD Size 81mm X 46mm
Product Color Red and Grey
Product Net Weight 505g
Product Size 96.7mm X 202.8mm X46 mm
Standard Accessories UT531-Batterise, Test Lead, Alligator Clip, Carrying Bag
UT532/533-Batterise, Test Lead, Alligator Clip, Point Contact Temperature Probe, Carrying Bag
Standard Individual Packing Gift Box,English Manual
Standard Quantity Per Carton 20 pcs
Standard Carton Measurement 460×400×368mm(0.068 CBM Per Standard Carton)
Standard Carton Gross Weight 22.2Kg



UNI-T UT531 Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung UNI-T Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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