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UNI-T UT181A True RMS Datalogging Multimeter

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UNI-T UT181A True RMS Datalogging Multimeter

UNI-T UT181A True RMS Datalogging Multimeter

UT181A adalah multimeter digital dengan tangkapan tren, RMS sejati, filter lolos rendah, konduktansi nS, pengukuran suhu ganda, dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan bantuan fitur datalogging, pengguna dapat menyimpan hingga 20.000 set data pengukuran dan menampilkannya pada grafik tren untuk pemantauan jangka panjang.

  • Data Pencatatan : 20000
  • LCD TFT 3,5 inci 64k warna


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UNI-T UT181A True RMS Datalogging Multimeter

CV. Syariftama Multi Global has a wide range of UNI-T products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

UT181A is a digital multimeter with trend capture, true RMS, low pass filter, nS conductance, dual temperature measurement, and more. With the help of the datalogging feature, users can store up to 20000 sets of measurement data and display them on a trend graph for long term monitoring.

Features UNI-T UT181A True RMS Datalogging Multimeter :

  • Trend capture
  • Data logging: 20000
  • Data comparison
  • 3.5-inch 64k color TFT LCD
  • Dual temperature measurement
  • Low pass filter
  • 2200mAh Li-ion battery
  • Real time and date
  • Peak hold
  • Bluetooth/APP
  • USB interface cable /PC software CD
  • IP65

Specifications UNI-T UT181A True RMS Datalogging Multimeter :

Specifications Range UT181A
DC voltage (V) 1000V ±(0.025%+5)
AC voltage (V) 1000V ±(0.3%+30)
DC current (A) 10A ±(0.08%+10)
AC current (A) 10A ±(0.6%+20)
Resistance (Ω) 60MΩ ±(0.05%+2)
Admittance (nS) 60nS ±(2%+10)
Capacitance (F) 60mF ±(2%+5)
Frequency (Hz) 10Hz~60MHz ±(0.01%+5)
Temperature (°C)  -40°C~1000°C ±(1%+30)
Temperature (°F)  -40°F~1832°F ±(1.5%+50)
Display count 60000
Auto/Manual range
Bandwidth (Hz) 100kHz
AC+DC/Continuity buzzer
Low pass filter 1kHz
Diode Around 3V
Duty cycle 10%~90%
Dual temperature measurement T1, T2, T1-T2, T2-T1
Data hold/Peak hold
Relative mode
Data logging 20000
Trend capture
Data time display/Data comparison
Backlight adjustment
Analog bar graph/USB interface
Mis-plug alarm
Battery indication/Auto power off
Rechargeable battery
Input protection
Input impedance for DCV ≥10MΩ
General Characteristics
Power Li-ion battery: 7.4V 2200mAh
Display 3.5-inch 64K color TFT LCD (320 x 240)
Product color Red and grey
Product net weight 638.6g
Product size 225mm x 103mm x 59mm
Standard accessories Battery, test leads, temperature adaptor socket,
point contact temperature probes, power adaptor socket, power adaptor, PC software CD, USB interface cable



UNI-T UT181A Datasheet

Produk asli Kami distributor langsung UNI-T Harga murah dan berkualitas bergaransi tentunya. dapat di kirim ke seluruh wilaya Indonesia.

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